New school...........Yay

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Sammy's Pov

WAKE UP IN THE MORNING my alarm clock blared rolling over I tried to ignore it

BRUSH MY TEETH WITH A BOTTLE OF JACK ............ ok ignoring it was so Not working

I forced myself in the shower and turned it really cold to wake me up........................

25 minutes later I stood in front of my closet still shivering and decided or tried to decide what to wear on my first day to my new school.

Finally deciding on tight black jeans ripped from mid thigh to knee, bright blue fishnet tight under that,and a bright blue tank top that said I want it all in bold black letters as well as black biker gloves as I needed them anyways.

standing in front of my mirror I deemed my outfit good enough and applied thick eyeliner colbat blue eyeshadow and a that made my eyes pop.

I just ran a brush through my wavy black hair, grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

Stopping in the kitchen I looked through the fridge and chose pizza much to Ashley's disgust for lunch.

Eating toast and eggs for breakfast I quickly ran to the door and slipped on my black biker/combat boots on.

My mom drove me to school after dropping of my twin brothers Craig and Kenneth.

Arriving at my school I'll tell you what I saw I saw a

Bright pink castle with a yellow brick road like the wizard of oz

Just kidding I saw a fairly good sized courtyard with the boys dorm on one side and the girls dorm on the other.

The school was painted black and dark blue two of my favorite colors I grinned.

Pulling my luggage out of my moms trunk I started walking to my dorm.

Wait aren't you gonna say bye my mom asked sweetly?

I just looked at her and waved over my shoulder at her scoffing under my breath what a bitch!

Arriving at the reception area i was greeted by a snobby lady with bright blonde hair...hey she reminds me of my mom haha.

Still snickering.i followed her to my dorm room she gave me the card and said that I'd have exactly 3 room mates.

Stepping in my. New dorm I nearly barfed it was bright pink with a purple floor...and this time I wasn't kidding walking over to. My extra bag I. Took out my black spray paint and laughed putting on Kesha I danced while I painted

Three hours later 27 bottles of black or blue spray paint I was finally done I'd decided to keep the purple floor as it was a deep dark nice purple

The walls were now black with bright blue squiggles going up the sides and every once in a while pocka dots.

Exhausted I laid down and fell asleep to Kesha

Jolting awake as my new roommates came in I quickly scurried to the bathroom to freshen up after claiming the bed farthest from the door in the corner.

The dorm was arranged like this you walked in the door to the large living room with a tv then walked through a door into a rather wide spacious kitchen after that the bathrooms were one in the living room and one in the kitchen area walking through a large doorframe you saw two beds in each corner closest to the door and two beds farther in the room against the back wall.

We had to share two people to each walk in closet and other than that we were free to do as we wanted with the apartment.

Jolting to my senses I heard three girls come in and gasp at the sight of the room

It amazing

Omg did our roommate do this?

Hah the barbies outside said it was painted pink from last year!?!

Touching up my hair I walked gracefully in the living room.....and tripped face first over a empty spray paint bottle.

We looked awkwardly at each other and all, stared to laugh

Hahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Five minutes later


Ok ok what's your name the petite brown haired girl asked?

My names Samantha I laughed at their faces call me Sam or Sammy

Ok the brown haired one said my names sky

You can call me nicky said the tall Red haired lanky girl

Hi my names cally the bubbly blonde haired girl pretty much shouted.

We all ran over to the bedroom to unpack Our many cloths it was decided that cally and I would share one because our wardrobes were very different and easy to tell apart.

Sky and Nicky shared a wardrobe because they were already best friends.

It was also decided that we would play truth or dare tonight because we had school tomorrow.

So here we are at ten o clock at night playing truth or dare sitting on pillows in a circle in the middle of the room.

So Nicky you go first cally encouraged

Ok Sammy why did you end up in this school for delinquents she asked curiously?

For fighting lots and lots of fighting I smirked.

Fair enough sky said

Truth or dare I asked cally

She thought for a moment dare she said with a gleam in her eye.

Ok I said with a smirk walk downstairs and get us a variety of snacks from the kitchen including hmmm OREOS!!!!!! I shouted.

How is that a dare she asked confused?

Well it's after curfew their are guards and on top of that you have to steal food from the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later a happy cally bounced back into the room with chips soda and OREOS!!!

I quickly grabbed the bag and ran leaving three dumbstruck girls behind.

Laughing evily I locked the bathroom door and started to eat.

I the lock suddenly clicked open revealing Nicky with lock picking tool and two other girls behind her.

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