Lost Child

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(Woop de woop woop, story time you lil children! Alright yup I'm continuing but as I stated in the last chapter I think I'm going to end the story soon but trust me I have plans for more fun diddly fantabulous stuff probably!)

*<Carlos' POV>*
(Yea again I know)

It's been even longer since I last saw Cecil. I'm so worried now. I've found Cecil's alcohol supply and I'm a mess. I understand exactly what Cecil went through when I was gone now. I miss him immensely and I can't believe he is just gone right after we finally get back together again. I am really worried about Cecil but I don't know what to do. Unlike when I was trapped in the dessert hell scape, I can't contact Cecil in any way nor can I have any way of knowing that he is safe. I'm so worried that I may never see Cecil again. I've been doing nothing since Cecil was first gone. I just sit her in our shared apartment crying. I can't get over this. I'm losing myself more and more every day but worse is that I don't know anything about Cecil let alone if he's safe or not. I can't take much more of this.

*<???? POV>*
(Oooo you still don't know who this is!)

This man has been here for a few more days now and he has been looking a little bit better than he had when I found him. I've been feeding him and giving him water but he seems confused about where he is and what's been happening. I don't know why he's so confused as everything has been quite clear, not to mention the fact that I have explained everything multiple times but to no avail. I don't understand what's going on but I know that this, 'Cecil', does not belong in Dessert Bluffs. (yep it's dessert bluffs!) He's definitely struggling with something but I don't know what. He seems to have lost something important, something he needs to get back but I can't tell what. He's talking a lot more but is still struggling with a lot of things. He is able to do simple things but he has obviously gone through a lot so I'm not pressuring him to do anything he doesn't vitally need. I've been keeping him company as I don't think it appropriate to bring him out into the open yet. "Cecil are you awake?" I whisper in his ear. He's been sleeping very often and I've been supplying him with as much fluid as possible but he's doing very well. "hmmmm?" He groans as he slowly sits up. I've grown fond of Cecil considering Kevin has been gone for a while now. Cecil isn't anywhere near as wonderful as Kevin but he has been very kind to me over the past few days. "Cecil wake up it's almost time for lunch," I love making food and just cooking in general so it's also fun to have to someone to cook for while Kevin is away. "mmmmmhhhhhh," he slowly starts to sit up grumbling and moaning as he rubs sleep from his eyes. "Goo-good morn-ing," he sighs. He's doing well speech wise but sometimes struggles. His neck has deep scars on it which I assumed was why he struggled to talk. He seems in pain whenever he is conscious and even though I don't know who he is I do know that he needs help. "Time for lunch, I made some spaghetti. Nothing big just a little something," I see he perks up at the thought of food and it makes me happy to see that face so delighted, but it also reminds me of Kevin. How he loved my cooking. I push the thoughts out of my mind. "Come on, come on, it'll get cold," I don't know why but it feels good to baby him. I'm not being rude but it just feels right. Maybe once Kevin gets back we should adopt. I can't think about things like that right now though, as I need to focus on Cecil and helping him as he is obviously not well enough for me to let him go. I feel like he is a child to me, odd as that sounds. I feel like it is up to me to take care of him as he is extremely cut and bruised and struggling with something. I don't know what it is but he seems to be without something vital. It's as if all air has been released from him but it's every waking moment. He is just like a sad, lost child.  I do, though, need to focus on more important things right now, like getting some food into poor Cecil. I can't even imagine what happened to him or what he seems to have lost.....

*<Carlos' POV>*
(Yea repetitive I know but I think a little change wouldn't hurt)

So, so long. Cecil, Cecil, I need you more than ever. Everything has gone wrong. Everything is too much. I feel dizzy and confused. I want to roll into a ball and cry. There are empty beer bottles littering the floor. I want to vomit but I can't even do that. I am useless. Hopeless. Cecil could be dead for all I know. Cecil could be tortured and I would have no idea. Cecil could...could have left me. Could have thought I was no good for him. He could have left because of me. I may have done something to upset him. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Cecil is gone and it's all my fault. I want to lie down and sleep forever. To never worry about anything anymore. To not need Cecil to survive my own madness. "It's....it's all m-my fa-fault," I whisper as I collapse onto the bed a few tears dripping down my face as I go unconscious......

(Ok yeah so ima end this here and let you guys go mad with feels! I am going to keep writing obviously but again there is just so much everything going on! Luv ya guys for still reading this always!)

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