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(Yay more! I'm gonna finish this soon as said before, and like always I'm so sorry for the scattered updates and how short my chapters always are!)

*<Cecil's POV>*

It hurts. It always hurts. It hurts to talk, to walk. It aches all over whatever I do. It's not physical. Its not something you can describe. Its been too long. I don't know where I am. I know that I am apparently in Dessert Bluffs according to the man that has been taking care of me. I don't know when I can go back to NightVale. I know I am far from ready though. My throat hurts so much. It has been hard to keep food in my stomach and I am constantly thirsty. I am very sick according to the man I have been staying with. I don't know why but I feel like I should trust him. He looks a lot like Carlos, which is very helpful when I am feeling sad. I miss my Carlos so much. I need him. Its like the oak door incident all over again, but now I don't have access to a phone or any way to make sure he's ok. I am worried more about how he's going to find out what's happened. Pain is all I have now, other than the man that looks like Carlos. He is a great cook. Just like.......Carlos. He makes food for me very happily, and it is very delicious, but it still reminds me of my Carlos. This man is so kind and generous when he barely knows me, and I just thought about it but, I don't even know his name. "Um...wha-what I-is you-r na-me?" I force out before quickly grabbing the tall glass filled with water on the table in front of me and gulping it down. It hurts to talk but I can manage enough before I heal. "Oh my, I can't believe I haven't even said my name yet! I'm Diego, and I know your name is Cecil obviously," I ponder the name for a second before repeating it back to him for good measure. "Di-Dieg-ooo," I linger on the 'o' for a second longer before I finish my statement, proud that I have found out my savior's name. (Yes I know it's stupid that I'm just now saying Diego's name in the story and it's not really a very good way to get it out but you know I'm just wanting peeps to know the gosh darn name!) I feel safer with Diego, although I barely know him, it feels good compared to what I have had to deal with lately. He has made Spaghetti for lunch today and it tastes almost identical to Carlos' cooking. I am constantly thinking of Carlos and I can't keep my mind lingering for too long before it releases anything and everything about my beloved. "Thank-Thank You," I stutter before shoving a forkful of food into my mouth in an attempt to concur my ongoing hunger. "Awww, your welcome. I love cooking and I especially love cooking for others," I eat my fill before going back to simply lay on the makeshift bed Diego has turned the couch into for me. I am tired more often then ever before now and have been sleeping very often. I only really wake for meals or because of the occasional nightmare, which had been happening more often as well. My dreams are never pleasant anymore either. They always change into horrific nightmares that I can never escape. Most are of Carlos, sitting in a small chair, bound as I was, and laying with cuts and bruises across his perfect face. His hair is always torn and tangled, similar to his clothing, and he is always crying and begging me to let him go and to free him. I always struggle to do something or try to help him but I can never move. The body I am always trapped in during the nightmares creeps closer without a word and beats Carlos with various items, before eventually getting out a large blade no bigger than a kitchen knife and slashing at Carlos before his body goes limp. I attempt to call out but no words escape my smirking lips. I eventually fight out a tortured scream before waking from my horrid hell world, only to find a worried Diego always running to me to find out what had happened. I haven't told Diego about Carlos yet, I always just tell him it was a nightmare. I am afraid to fall asleep, to scared to have another horrid nightmare. They are always the same, and always make me wake up with tears in my eyes screaming. It has gotten harder and I still don't know if Carlos is ok.

*<Carlos' POV>*

So frightening. So horrifying. I have been having horrible nightmares. I rarely sleep anymore but when I have passed out from exhaustion I dream of my beautiful Cecil. He isn't in NightVale, though. He is in a living room with another man. I don't know why I believe he isn't in NightVale I just know. The other man always approaches him very seductively swaying his hips as he slowly walks towards Cecil. The man is strikingly handsome and has bright blond hair similar to Cecil's, with dark red eyes. He always wears a suit with a red tie matching his glaring eyes. His hair is short and straight spiked up in the front and he has very prominent cheek bones that you could cut yourself on. He is very handsome yet could never be more awful at the same time. He always gets right up to Cecil before brushing his long bony fingers through his hair and sitting down on his lap. I try to protest but no words escape my lips and I can tell I am only a silent observer. Cecil seems awkward at first but begins to move into the strange man's chest playing with his blood red tie. Soon Cecil begins to unbutton the tall man's jacket before moving to undoing his tie and putting it in His own mouth. I can only watch as the tall man begins to undress my boyfriend as Cecil did him. I attempt to cry out or do something but nothing ever happens and I know nothing will, though every time I have this dream I continue to protest. As always they continue until the man is just in his blood red briefs, contrasting to his pale white skin, and Cecil is in his dark purple boxers. They begin tackling each other and cuddling to which I try to turn my head and just leave but to no avail. My heart continues to break until Cecil grabs the man's neck and pulls him into a long kiss, with Cecil tugging at the man's hair, and the man groaning in delight. I try to cry as my heart shatters into a million pieces. They continue their kissing and tugging until the underwear eventually comes off and I always jolt awake immediately crying after the horrific nightmare. I can't stand it without Cecil here. I can't stand not knowing if he's ok or not. I can't stand falling into troubled sleep anymore. Sleep isn't even safe anymore. It can't go on like this. I know Cecil would never do anything irrational but my brain keeps trying to convince me otherwise. I hate feeling like this all the time. It's been more than a month now and there has been no sign of Cecil and I'm getting to my breaking point. I want no more. I want bliss. I want peaceful sleep. Constant peaceful sleep. No more troubles. No more worries. No more problems. Just sleep. Just a long, long sleep. I just need something better. I try to get up from the ground I've become familiar with the past few weeks and stumble into the kitchen opening the drawer holding only the sharp utensils, knives, pizza cutters, scissors. I pull out a sharp kitchen knife and stumble around gripping it hard. "Sleep. Long, long sleep. Peace," I mumble as I hold the knife in the air. "I just need a good long dreamless sleep," I whisper.

(Oh my god I'm shaking! I'm so weak when it comes to this kind of stuff! I need to punch a wall later to get my mind off this like really I didn't think I would ever come to this. I am so sorry if I caused the following symptoms:
Throwing you phone
Hating me
Any type of feels
[Please consult a doctor if you experience any serious injury or other symptoms from reading the chapter]
Again guys sorry if this chapter is really short I just wanted to get it out there and also I'm sorry that some of these chapters are kinda boring, filler chapters!)

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