The Strange Man

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(Yay okie dokie so I guess the app is all better or something so I can now update this story!!! Sorry I've been having trouble with stuffs and thing. Enjoy as much as you can before some other idiotic problem emerges.)

*<Carlos's POV>*
(Yea I'm doin this!)

It's been weeks. Cecil hadn't been home nor have I heard any sign of him on the radio. I'm already past worried, I'm panicking. I've talked to a secret police representative but he just screeched and ran/flew away. I don't know what to do and I miss my Cecil. Eventually I decide to go looking for myself. Once it's late I leave and attempt to sneak around, avoiding cameras placed by the secret police as people roaming around at night is not allowed. I search almost everywhere possible but he's nowhere. I eventually go back to my small apartment I share with Cecil and just cry. "He wouldn't just leave would he? no!" I can't help but think like this. I am a mess and the fact that the radio station interns keep calling to ask about Cecil just makes things worse. I am struggling a lot without him and I know he didn't just leave, he would never willingly leave NightVale without so much as a goodbye at least. I'm really worried about him.

*<Cecil's POV>*
(Yep POV change! Woohoo I'm hot tonight)

The door crept open flooding the room in a bright orange light. There was a silhouette standing in the open doorframe, which was much too stout to be Kevin. "Why is it so dark in here?" The silhouette muttered as I heard a small click that sounded like a light switch. The room was washed in bright light like it was a while before when Kevin had revealed himself. In the doorframe stood a man who's head would just barely read my eye level. He had caramel brown skin and long wavy hair like Carlos'. He looked almost identical to Carlos but he wasn't, I don't know how or why but he just had an odd feel to him. This wasn't my Carlos as I could tell but I don't understand who it is. "Wait, what?" He sputters out as he looks at me tied up and obviously covered in cuts and bruises. I also haven't showered in, well I can't remember how long, so my hair is probably oily, also my clothing has been sitting on a dirty body for so long now everything reeks. "W-who are y-y-you?" I attempt to speak, move my mouth, but I simply make a small grunting noise. "What are you doing here? Why are you tied up? What's happened to you?" He seems to have found enough of his voice to speak full sentences but he still sounds shaken up by the sight of me here. Again I attempt to speak, and this time I get in a little more than a grunt. "I-I a-a-m Ce-c-c-il," I eventually force out of my dry cracked lips. "Ok Cecil why are you here?" I am annoyed by all the questioning but I muster up enough strength to say one last word before I collapse from exhaustion. "K-k-kev-v-in,"

*<???? POV>*
(Yes I am)

The man just collapsed after saying what I hoped wasn't true "Kevin". I run up and grab him studying his face. He looked exactly like Kevin except for a few small futures. His eyes (all three of them) were a light shimmering violet in the darkness as were his tattoos which contrasted to Kevin's beautiful yellow eyes and swirling tattoos. I don't know what is going on obviously but I try my hardest to get this man up the narrow flight of stairs leading to the main floor. I set him down on our rickety couch and grab a washcloth that I wet and put on his forehead to cool him down as he feels extremely hot. I conclude eventually that he is dehydrated and attempt to give him some liquids but in his state it is very difficult. I want to take him to the hospital or something but I barely know who this man is. Wait, didn't he say his name was Cecil? Yeah! Well I know his name but I known nothing else about him at all. This is so confusing, not to mention, I haven't seen Kevin for days and I have no idea why he had a man who looks just like him in his office downstairs.

(Ok sorry guys that's gonna be it for now! Ima try to continue working on stuffs and stuff but again there is just like stuff. I'm thinking of ending the story soon sorry! Hope you guys still put up with me and/or read these stupid author's notes!)

Pure Torture (a cecilos fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt