Pure Torture

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(This is extremely weird and if you are brave enough to read through it all I'll add some Cecilos fluff in the end)

The lights flickered in the room I was in. I have no idea where I am and I can't comprehend how big the room is or even if there is anything else inside of the dark abyss. I can't see a thing, though I probably wouldn't be able to see much even if there was some source of light considering the swollen black eye I had on the right side of my face covering half of my vision. I was tied to the small chair I was sitting in, with my wrists tied together behind me, rope cutting into my flesh, keeping me from so much as wiggling my hands in any way. My legs were tied to the legs of the chair, again barely able to move from the tightness of the ropes binding them. I can't remember anything from before any of this happened and I feel dazed and confused as if I've just woke up from a coma. Before I think of anything else I suddenly remember one vital thing.....Carlos. I frantically try to remember anything else about what happened to me hoping I wouldn't find any memory of Carlos suffering the same fate. Suddenly I here footsteps approaching and fear rushes through my brain. I sit up and stare at the place I best assume the footsteps are coming from. I hear a creak obviously a door opening slowly but still see nothing. "Hello Cecil," The snake-like hiss sounds from where I am trying to stare even with one eye swollen shut. I feel a chill up my spine as if all warmth has left the room and I am left with a chill of pure fear. "You must understand that this is for the best. The best, Cecil," My hair stands on end at the sound of this creature's chilling demonic hiss. I hear more footsteps and know this creature is slowly creeping closer to it's prey. Soon I can feel it's deep breaths on the back of my neck and hope I can survive whatever it wants to do. A blade the size of kitchen knife but much sharper is suddenly cutting into my neck with just barely enough pressure to open a small gash releasing a flow of blood trickling slowly down my neck. "Cecil, oh beautiful Cecil. You are the voice of NightVale as everyone knows and I need you. I need you so badly," The more he growls the more pressure is put on the blade quickening the flow of blood down my neck onto my chest. "My sweet, sweet Cecil. You need someone like me in your life. Not that horRIFIC NASTY AWFUL CARLOS." He begins yelling in a deep growl shooting saliva straight in my direction as well as a red substance I hoped not to be blood. "Oh, my Cecil, we will be together forever!" He is almost to a yell and the blade is sunken into my throat causing indescribable gut wrenching pain. I begin squirming and struggling, attempting to show some sign of surrender to the pure torture. He suddenly lets up any and all pressure being previously put on the blade causing only a small fraction of pain to go away. I have blood covering my lower neck and all of the upper part of my chest. I'm still unable to see who my captor is, and I know everyone in NightVale. It moves around until it is in front of me, at least that's what I believe though I can't tell from the chilling darkness. He begins to lick at my neck where blood is still dripping and then moves to my chest while I sit horrified not wanting to know who would be so demented to do something like this. I try to turn my head try to squirm and struggle, something to make it stop, but it continued licking at the flowing blood on my neck and the drying blood staining my chest. I am obviously trying to stop it from doing whatever it is attempting to do but it just quickens it's licking, with a tongue like sandpaper. Soon it has completed whatever it was trying to accomplish leaving me still bleeding but with saliva all over my lower neck and chest. I try to suppress the vomit forming in my throat. "My sweet, sweet Cecil. I will be back soon...." The creature begins to leave but decided it appropriate to run back and kiss me, leaving me even more horrified than before as his mouth tastes like rotten apples. He finally left, though, leaving me to my pain.  This truly was pure torture.

(This was either a short or long chapter
depending on your opinion of what the words really mean......
Yep I know it was kinda a demented chapter but I did warn you!)

"Goodnight NightVale. Goodnight."

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