No more nice bot

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I can't believe he did it. How could he do it. Sideswipe couldn't have hurt me...but Roadblock could and did.

Ratchet says I was lucky. A reflux in a tube in my internal processer saved my life.

Sideswipe is dead. I have to face that now. They've erased him from his own spark. Sides...he would never hurt me. He is dead. The decepticons killed him.

Shockwave killed him. Megatron killed him. Roadblock killed him.

I felt my anger at the con using Sideswipe's body start to tare our bond into strips.

He didn't care. Sideswipe was gone. He couldn't feel it anymore. Only Roadblock could. Sunstreaker hoped he could so that he would feel all the pain of their broken bond.

Sunstreaker had to kill Roadblock. He would get revenge for his brother. He pulled at the last strand of their bond--and broke it.

Sideswipe the decepticonWhere stories live. Discover now