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Roadblock activated his secret comm.

"Megatron? It's me. I'm in."

"Good." The leader of the decepticons crooned. "Bring me Sunstreaker's empty spark casing."

Roadblock, alone in the room, silently broke his heavy glass cage.

Sunny... Roadblock said through the twins' bond. He knew Sunstreaker would be in recharge and would be heavily disoriented. Brother, where are you? I'm scared.

Sides? Sunstreaker said across their bond. Even though he could hear the tiredness in his voice, Roadblock could hear Sunstreaker's excitement at Sideswipe calling him.

Hurry big brother. I am hurt. I need my big brother's too late.

Sides! Sides, hold on! I'm on my way! What's wrong?

I freed myself of Megatron's virus, had a contingency code. It's starting to offline me. Please Sunny, I need you...need you...need you...

Sides? I can feel you. Hold on!

Roadblock smiled as he waited for Sunstreaker to come in. If he did this, Sideswipe would truly be gone forever.

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