Getting along

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~Third POV~

Draco and Hadrian and Harley have been getting along pretty well. Everyone was surprised because when they first started hanging out they all walked in together and looked at everyone and smiled then walked away. Some other Slytherins have been getting close with the group as well. But most still stay away.

No ones sure why they really started hanging out but they could care less. Well that is besides the Weasleys and most of the Gryffindor house. The Hufflepus mostly don't care and just get on with their day. Ravenclaws are asking them a lot of questions which is annoying. And the Slytherins don't bother asking so they just let it slide. It's been weird, quidditch is coming up soon and Hadrian is thinking about trying out.

~Day of tryouts~

"Are you sure about this Harry" said Harley

"Yes I'm sure Mionie"

"B-But what if they try hurting you or just don't even let you try out"

"well if they don't then there losing this year"

"Hello Granger and Potter"

"Yes Malfoy" they said at the same time

"You know that happens all the time you need to stop". They just roll their eyes

"You trying out Potter we could use you"

"I mean I guess but aren't you seeker"

"You know ill leave your two I need to study and you two should get ready" Harley said

"Yeah okay"

A/n (sorry this was so short I haven't had any motivation to write)

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