The Rumors

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Italics( parseltoung)

" "talking

Rumors all around the school. All about that boy. What had he said? Why did he say something?
"Attention students as u have heard one of the students in Gryffindor was attacked by someone or something, I have heard from rumors that it was one of the older students in their anamagis (don't know how to spell) form" dumbledor announced in the great hall.
" He has told us what it looked like so we will be calling everyone in to see who it was, now if u are to lie about it or not tell the truth punishment will be our only choice" Snape drawer out in a shallow tone.
Everyone in Gryffindor started whispering and lookin over at Hadrian. Whispers only whispers could be heard. 'Did you hear what Harry did to that second year'. 'No way he would do that but he has changed'. 'He's the devil that poor second year'.
Hadrian stood up and walked out of the great hall alone. Everyone staring at him.
"Mr. Potter I have heard that you got an animgis over the summer care to show everyone" dumbledor said smiling
" No I'd prefer not to sir, I have work to do"
"It should only take a few minutes "
" Sir I would only do it if it was extremely necessary and it doesn't seem like it is"
" Harry it is, a student has been hurt he claims it was you"
" Okay believe him I don't care I just need to go do my work sir have a good day"

"Mr.POTTER, you shall not leave if your going to act like this"

"you know what he told me. He said I didn't need to be alive, that I wasnt important to this world, calling me a filthy freak" well that was obviously a lie but know one would know. Right.

Just as he said that the doors opened and here came bursting in that boy


"Yes you did , you pulled me into a empty class room with 5 open tables the other 6 with potions on them, do you not remember" of course another lie but how many lies can he make up that fast. He was used to lying. He always did it, to teachers, to students, and to the Dursley's. But they would always find out somehow.


"you also grow up here, I grew up away from everyone, all witches and wizards, my relatives lied to me about how my parents died so I wouldn't find out about magic, forbid me to say magic, and would punish me for doing something I didn't even know I could do." Hadrian said starring directly into his eyes. Now that wasn't a lie. That was all true. Always put lies and truths together to make it sound more real.


Hadrian rolled his eyes walking past the boy as he tried to grab him. His hand past right through him. What did he want why has he been doing this it all made no sense.Walking to his room he heard people calling after him, not wanting to talk to anyone he apperated to his room. He could here whispers from somewhere but he could find where. The he realized he had bought around 4 snakes. He opened his trunk and let them out.

Finally, god kid how long did it take you huh. A rainbow snake said, Hadrian couldn't remember its name. Was it flora or floura.

no kidding we couldn't move. A black one, he didn't remember buying her. Did she just sneak in or something. widow Hadrian thought. thats what he was going to name her.

"I tried to leave they wanted to see my animagus and then that rotten little kid, and whose snake are you"

yeah yeah excuses excuses. An albino rattle snake, he was so beautiful , not to mention his name fits him perfectly, Skull.

Hey did you at least bring us food I'm starving. who knew that the smallest snakes could eat so much. He had just feed her before.

"Small fry, did I not just feed you like 2 hours ago" he said rolling his eyes

you did but I'm hungry

Yes Hadrian I am very hungry please get us some food. A long yellow snake. Hadrian didn't know what she was but he thought she was very pretty

" yeah whatever ill go get you something" Hadrian Sid walking out go the room, and bumping into someone.

"Sorry Draco"

"Its ok , what are you doing"

"I think you know what im doing" He said rolling his eyes and walking off again

After coming back into the room with a bag of rats and mice, he lets all of them go for the snakes to catch and find. He sits on his bed hearing cussing and random hissing. While he's reading all of the snakes slither up onto the end of the bed and curl up. After about 1 hour, he's done with the book. He puts it up and shuts of his lamp. Someone walked in and jumped on the bed.

"You're going to bed already Hadrian, is it because of all the rumors" Draco said smirking over him

"Yes I'm going to bed Malfoy Im tired of hearing it all" Hadrian said trying to push him off

"Hey don't push me off, Ill stay here all night pretty boy"

"don't call me that"

"Ill call you what ever I want snake boy"

"Let me sleep" he pauses to try to turn"Im really tired"

"Ugh fine but I'm staying here" Draco said pushing himself over to the side of the bed. Sooner of later they were both asleep. Neither knew what was going to happen the next day.

A life of lies(DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu