Diagon Alley

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Hadrian was walking around Diagon Ally . People were giving him weird looks because they have never seen him before and because he has two different eye colors .
He didn't know what to do so he just walked into different stores. He bought some new clothes moves ones too as well as shoes . He went into Knockturn Ally to get a new wand . " You can come out I can see you " the lady walked out " your a smart kid no one has been able to find me all day " he looked at her " it's not that hard to tell when someone is breathing to were you can hear it " . She looked taken back " you could hear me breathing I wasn't even breathing loud " Hadrian nodded " I have good hearing but I need a new wand so could you help me with that or-" "right right come this way " . Hadrian followed her into a dark room until she turned on the light " ok so I need you to run your hand over these woods and pick up the one you feel most connected to " . He did as told " hmmm interesting black cherry wood no doubt the same with the cores if you feel it to more then pick those up as well " again he did as told he ended up picking up 5 cores
" mhm 5 cores that's a lot kiddo a shadow Phoenix feather very rare it helps with dark arts more , a regular Phoenix feather helps with healing spells , black dragon scale also very rare helps with transfigurations, an albino dragon scale very rare too it increases your power with all spells , and a basilisk fang helps with dark spells very interesting" Hadrian nodded
" now time for liquid cores do the same thing " after he found the ones he felt more connected to he picked up 4 liquid cores .
"Hmmm basilisk venom , dragon blood , Phoenix tears , and unicorn blood very interesting combination "
" I'll have your wand ready in 2 hours you can either come pick it up or I can mail it to you " she said gathering the cores and wood .
"I'll pick it up thanks "  he than walked out . To pass time he continued to walk around until he heard yelling . He walked over to were he heard it , when he saw who was fight he chuckled . They turned around and looked at him
  " Who are you " Ron said Hermione looked up and smiled
"Hello Mione how have you been " Hades said completely ignoring Ron .
"I've been better what about you Hades " she smiles widely.
" Mione he just laughed at us !!! "Ron yelled she smacked him
" I don't care if he just laughed at us he's my brother"
  The Malfoy's looked shocked " Lookie here another mudblood "

Hades POV
  I wanted to punch him in the face but I just rolled my eyes
" Don't you roll your eyes do you know who I am I am -" I cut him off
" I'm Draco Malfoy and I was rejected in first year by Harry Potter because I am a racist I despise Gingers and mudbloods , I hate Gryffindor house and my parents work for that man that killed Potters Mother and father " I said mockingly .
  People around us started laughing " I'm Hadrian , .... Hadrian Riddle and that " I pointed to my sister " is my sister Harley Riddle " I smirked .
   People were got scared and started chocking on air . Harley started laughing .
(I'm going to call her Harley now )
  The Malfoy's eyes widened " I'm sorry for my sons behavior " Mrs. Malfoy said
     I gave her a sad smile " It's not your fault Mrs.      Malfoy their just immature " 
She giggled " I agree well we'll be on our way "
   I nodded "see soon Mrs. Malfoy " I turned to look at Harley " Let's go Harley I got a castle we can stay at your stuffs already there Harry will be there to " she nodded .
      " I need to get my wand later so do you want to go get some pets it's money there "
   "Why wouldn't I " she said smirking
    " Hey Mione can we come too " Ron said
    " No it's my castle not hers she's just will be living with me " I said coldly
    " Sorry Ron " I motioned for her to come
    " Come on mione you can't leave with him he might hurt you "  Ron pleaded " at least take us with you so we can protect you "
    " Sorry Ron that's up to him not me " why is she being nice they lied to us .
"Come on sis " I gritted my teeth
  " yeah yeah " she ran over

Down at the pet area
  No ones POV
    They walked in and just walked around . They looked at all the different cats and owls . So far they saw these to kittens that looked like twins . And these two white snowless owls .
" What do you think about those ones " Hades said pointing where the owls and cats are .
"I like them maybe some reptiles would be nice as well of course " she nodded towards the reptile area
"Why not " he stated and walked over to the snakes She followed not far behind , she saw the most beautiful snake ever " Hades look!!! " she squeaked .
He turned around to what she was looking at he rolled his eyes " Really a white snake I was thinking " he pointed to a black snake with red eyes " this one "
"How about all of them they're to cute I can't pick" she was begging him to get them all .
"Ok ok fine fine " he walked over to the worker
"Do you dears need anything "
"Yes we would like to get some pets "
"Of course which one "
" well we saw six we would like to get "
The workers eyes widened and said " of course which one would you like "
"We saw two black cats with green eyes , two white snowy owls and one black snake and one white both with red eyes "
" of course I'll go get them would you like the supplies for them as well "
"Yes please " he said looking at Harley who happened to be smirking .
The worker came back with 5 cages " I have the stuff in the back I can mail it to you or you can find a way to pick it up "
" can you mail it to us and how much for all of it "
" ok so the total is 2,536 gallons " she said while putting the cages in front of them
"Here you go " Hades pulled a bag out and handed it to her . He took out his snake and put it around his neck and grabbed the cats cage and and owls cage and started to walk out of the store " a hey wait for me you prat " Harley yelled chasing after him .
" I have to get my wand I'll show you my home then come and get it food should be ready when we get there " he held his arm at motioning for her to grab it ,she did and they were off .

Hadrian's POV

" Missy !!"
Missy arrived "what can I do for Hadrian today "
" can you show Harley the snake room and owl and cat rooms as well as where she will be sleeping "
" of course follow me Ms. Harley "
After they walked off I went to go and get my wand . I stayed out longer than expected I went clothes shopping for me and Harley I called Missy down and told her to put Harleys clothes in her room and I walked up to mine . After a while of walking I finally made it to my room . It was always so quite up here no pets chirping , meowing ,hissing so quiet .

(1275 words)

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