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Name: Jasmine Daisy Ross

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Name: Jasmine Daisy Ross

Code name: Gardenia

Age: 32 but tells people that she's 27 when asked.

Job: Romance Columnist at the Daily Bugle.  Later becomes a consulting reporter for the Avengers and then an official Avenger

Birthday: September 20th

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Face Claim: Allison Brie

Gender: female

Crushes: Loki Laufeyson, Stephen Strange, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov, Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthplace: Arlington, Texas

Current Residence: New York City, New York

Personality:  Jasmine is very stubborn and headstrong yet also very compassionate,  always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.  When Jasmine  cares about someone, she can be very fussy and nurturing, often becoming  the friend mom.  She has an imaginative and optimistic mindset that she  puts in her writing and believes in the best in people or, at least,  she tries to.  Jasmine has a strong fear of turning out to be a silenced  puppet, like her mother, and adopted a strong rebellious side in  retaliation, though she can be talked into doing stupid things provided  she doesn't find a logical reason not to do something other than fear.

Likes: animals, writing, music, nature, freedom, reading, watching TV, horror movies

Dislikes:  Being controlled, football, being mistaken for a delicate flower,  country music, bullying, tofu and soy beans, getting up early, bugs (has a serious fear of them)

Powers: Jasmine has the ability to control plant life and has an accelerated healing factor which can be discovered in two ways. One is in a storyline where she gets captured and experimented on. Two is in the X-Men crossover line where the separate continuities merge and Jasmine discovers that she's a mutant.

Background  story: Jasmine grew up in Texas with her gaslighting father and doormat  mother.  Her half-sister, Tanya, made her life miserable and never  resisted rubbing her boyfriend Josh (who Jasmine was infatuated with) in  her face.  Jasmine's half-brother, Ken, often took stuff from her.   Jasmine's father often controlled the house while manipulating her and  her mother into thinking they were the problem.  Jasmine ended up  hanging out with hippies, being the only ones not afraid of Tanya, and  got expelled for vandalism in the name of protest and to prove that she  wasn't a coward.  Jasmine got sent to live with her grandfather with the  threat that, if she screwed up there, it would be Military School. When she got to college, that threat was replaced by losing her college fund. Jasmine took a job as well as attended college, hoping one day to get out from under her grandfather's thumb. After graduating, she found a job at the Daily Bugle as an Advice Columnist. While not her dream job, she's hoping to quit once she becomes a published writer even if she has been afraid to turn in her writing.

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