The Wedding

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You can't believe it!  Your crush proposed to you or you proposed to your crush and now you're planning for the big day! Just pray that nothing goes wrong during the planning period... or your wedding.

If Jasmine's marrying Loki, Strange, Nat or Jessica, her grandfather disowns her.

With Loki, Jasmine wants to combine Asgardian and Earth traditions and her dad wants to advertise the wedding as not only his daughter redeeming the evil Loki but to mark it as a union between humans and Asgardians on reality television. To make a bad situation worse, Amora the Enchantress wants to sabotage the wedding and, if Loki's parents are still alive, Odin will be the one who asked Amora to assist him. Takes place after Amora the Enchantress.

With Strange and Nat, they want a small wedding but Jasmine's father turns it into a huge celebrity wedding and uses the marriage to help his advertising business. Again, trying to market this on reality television. In the case of Nat, he draws attention to the same sex marriage. On Strange's side, he and Jasmine get into an argument about whether to invite Christine to the wedding and either Dr. Doom or Strange!Sinister try to sabotage it. With Nat, a family member of someone she murdered wants to get revenge.

With Bucky, they can't decide whether to get married at the Xavier Institute or Wakanda only for Jasmine's grandfather to insist that the marriage be in America at a church and her father to not only want the wedding in Wakanda but to mark it as the first time Americans have gotten married in the now open Wakanda on reality television. Not only that, but ghosts from Bucky's past come to take revenge.

With Matt, he wants a Catholic wedding while Jasmine's grandfather insists on a protestant wedding with her father agreeing because he thinks a protestant wedding would be better for business even trying to get reality television involved. Meanwhile, Matt finds himself distracted as he tries to track down the Kingpin.

With Jessica, they want a small wedding only for Jasmine's father to again try to take over and use a same sex marriage to increase business opportunites on reality TV. Kilgrave finds out about the wedding and seeks to sabotage it.

With Luke, they just want something simple only for Jasmine's father to try to take over. Yes, reality TV is involved for every love interest. Meanwhile, Cottonmouth's crimes prove to distract from wedding planning.

Note: Takes place after Meet the Family.

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