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Before you start reading I have a few things I'd like to say <3

This Story Will Contain Smut!- 

If you are not comfortable with reading smut or anything like that, I will label when the smut will start and when it ends in bold letters. Please don't even think about attacking me because Dream/Clay already said he was cool with it.

What NOT To Do- 

Do NOT spam any comment sections, chat boxes, or videos asking anyone in MCYT or Dream SMP to read this story. If I find out that people are doing this and a member of MCYT notices, I will take the story down immediately. 


I have a playlist on Spotify that I think would go along with this storyline really well. My username is Nadpowers and the playlist is labeled "Vibes". There is another playlist called "Rail Me Songs" (LMAO) these songs are good for when the smut happens. Please let me know if you listen to either playlists because that makes me happy :)

Background Information-

Your username on every social media account you have (Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) will be JumpyTacoCat. You are 19 years old. Everything else is based on you<3

This story is somewhat inspired by @ dreamtbtch 

Please go show she/them/he some love!

Okay! That's it. Please remember these things and be respectful of my decisions. Enjoy <3

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