Chapter 2: First Friend

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I was so excited for my first day of middle school at North Middle School! I got up early, found, and put my eyeglasses on, put on the best dress I picked a week ago, quickly ate my breakfast, and grabbed my backpack.

I then excitedly exclaimed, "I'm ready!"

My mom said, "Wow you look so excited and awesome! I am ready too, let's go then!"

My dad chimed in and said, "You look as gorgeous as your mom! I think you will have a great first day at school!"

I gave my dad a hug and responded, "Thank you, dad! I hope you have a great day too!"

My mom then walked with me and took the bus together with me. She showed me the route and the bus stops to get on and off the bus. As soon as we got off the bus, I kissed my mom goodbye. She gave me a big hug and kiss. She told me that she really loves me. She also told me to not worry too much and to just be yourself. I thanked my mom and said I will, and started walking towards the school.

The school looked much better than my old middle school and what it showed on the website. The buildings looked new and they have spread apart. I could see a sports field in the background. The air smelt fresh and there was a light breeze. Everyone seemed to be happy to be at school. I could hear laughter and chatter from the students and the teachers.

I wore the biggest and best smile as I walked because I wanted to make a good impression. I found my first-period classroom and so I started to look for an empty seat.

I found an empty seat next to a girl who seemed nice and I asked, "Excuse me, is anyone sitting here already?"

The girl shook her head.

I said, "Okay, thank you!"

I immediately asked, "Hey, my name is Tasha, what's your name?"

"Oh," the girl looked at me for a second and then smiled, "my name is McKenna,"

"What a nice name," I replied.

She looked back at me, smiled, and said, "Thank you!"

"I am a transfer student here, so I don't know anyone here" I continued and asked, "do you mind if I hang out with you for lunch?"

McKenna hesitated for one second and then responded, "Sure."

I happily replied, "That's great! See you at lunch! Sorry, where do we meet?"

"At the oak tree," McKenna told me.

It looked like I just made my first friend!

All four periods in the morning seemed to drag on forever because I couldn't wait to eat lunch with McKenna!

When the fourth period was over, I ran to the oak tree area. I found McKenna with two other girls.

I went up to them and said, "Hi, McKenna!"

"Hi, Tasha," McKenna replied and continued, "This is Tasha, she is in my first period. Tasha, that is Lilly and Patty," she points at each of the two girls.

"Patty and Lilly, that is Tasha," McKenna introduced.

We ate lunch together and chatted as well. They seemed nice, they said they loved my wavy, long auburn hair that complimented my emerald green eyes and they did not mention my glasses. They even said that I should go to play volleyball since I was very tall! I was so happy and told them they were so kind and that I was so glad to meet them. We had such a great time.

When I got home, I exclaimed, "MOM! DAD! Guess what happened today! I met three girls today! We had lunch together! They seem so nice! I am so glad that I transferred to this school! Thank you for finding such a great school for me!"

"I'm so glad that your first day of school went so well!" my parents happily replied.

I then hugged my parents so tightly that they just kept saying, "You're squeezing me so tight that you are going to kill me!" the whole time. 

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