Chapter 5: You Are You

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Summer and I would hang out every day during recess and lunchtime. One day, at lunchtime, Summer, and I were talking about how we got excluded.

"When I was on the volleyball team, sometimes they would mimic how I talk. I did not like it at all. I stutter when I am nervous, I just can't help it!", Summer said with some anger.

"Something similar happened to me! Sometimes I got laughed at because I couldn't read as fast because even with my glasses, it's still hard to read when the words are small." I said with frustration.

Summer then said, "Speaking of exclusion, I heard that Lilly was frequently bossing McKenna and Patty that they needed to get her permission to let anyone in the group, and Lilly decided that she didn't want you in the group. You mentioned that you were with them before but then they acted differently, maybe that's why?"

I gasped and finally realized why Lilly, McKenna, and Patty disappeared and never showed up at the oak tree again, to keep me out of the group.

"We need to stop this!" I said.

"How, though?" Summer asked.

"Well, how about we will have our own club, where no one will be excluded. Basically, you are you and that's what matters," I proposed to Summer confidently.

"That's a great idea!" Summer responded. 

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