Chapter 4: Best Friend At Last!

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It was the volleyball finals between our school and South Middle School. The whole school was very excited to see the championship. I had to go to the game by myself, since no one wanted to go to the game with me. We were playing well, but everyone on the team missed some serves, sets, bumps, and spikes... We were in the lead by a little but it was very close and nerve-racking. It could be anyone's game.

In the last couple of seconds, South Middle School served a very fast and hard serve. It was coming towards a girl and she tried her best to bump it over the net but her hit was a little off and before you knew it, the ball was on the ground and South Middle School won the game.

All of a sudden, there was complete silence on our side of the court. Everyone in our team just froze like deers in headlights. They had their heads down like balloons deflating as they walked out of the court.

As they passed in front of me, I heard a girl say, "Thanks to you, Summer, our team lost the championship! You really SUCK!"

Another girl chimed in and agreed, "Yeah, you really should not be on the volleyball team!" she paused and added, "Even a dead person plays better than you, stuttering Summer!"

Summer started to cry and it looked like she was trying to say something but nothing came out. She looked disappointed, angry, sad, and embarrassed, and no one backed her up.

This reminded me of what happened to me; getting picked on by Gary and Peter, and no one stood up for me. I wished that someone could stand up for Summer. I then realized that I could be the one to do that, however I was so scared that it felt like my body was frozen like a statue.

With a deep breath, I ran straight up to the first girl who blamed Summer for losing the championship and said, "Summer was trying her best. This is a team sport. Even if you didn't make any mistakes, you have no right to blame anyone. This is not her fault!"

Summer stopped crying and looked at me gratefully. I smiled because I finally stood up for someone being bullied.

That girl turned around, and said, "This is none of your business!"

"Well, it is if you are bullying her!" I shot back.

That girl scoffed at me and walked away from me and Summer. Everyone walked away with the girl.

Summer stuttered and said in relief, "Th-th-th-th-thank you..."

"No problem! You play as a team and you win and lose as a team so it isn't your fault! Would you like to get a drink?" I asked.

It seemed to cheer her up a bit and she nodded. So we went to get a drink and from that moment, we became best friends forever. Summer and I told each other everything.

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