Before you read the story

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Hey, thank you for checking this story out! Really appreciated! Before you get into the story, here are some things you should know.

First, there is no cover (you know what I mean) because I couldn't come up with anything yet. (I'll try to come up with something soon because right now to you it may look boring and unappealing.)

Second, I do apologize if there are any run-on sentences, spelling errors, grammar errors, or any other mistakes and flaws in this. I have not spent as much time on this as I did on writing the stories. Please do comment if you see a mistake or anything anywhere. This is also really appreciated.

Lastly, The whole story, not including this is 6 chapters/parts long. I wrote this because I want people to know this because 13 people have read the first chapter and only 1 person has read the next, and so on and so forth. The numbers are going down the more chapters there are. So after one chapter/part, you will find something that says "continue reading the next part" towards the end of each chapter/part. If you click on that, it'll lead you right to the next chapter. If there are no more chapters/parts, it'll say "to be continued..." towards the end of the last chapter/part. And that is how you know that is the end of a story. :)

Thank you and enjoy the story!

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