Chapter 2

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Jungkook's POV
It's now 7:30pm and I just walked down to the living room after spending a few hours in my room. The moment I got downstairs I could hear my dad and Jiyoung talking loudly and laughing. It was nice to hear my dad enjoy his time with a woman he loved. The voices we're coming from the kitchen so that's where I made my way to. I saw my parents cooking dinner while laughing and enjoying each other's presence.
I tried to stay as quiet as I could and walk back to the living room to not interrupt their time together but they noticed me
"Oh Jungkook, how are you sweetie? Have you unpacked yet?" Jiyoung asked me, she's truly really sweet
"I'm good, and yes Jimin helped me unpack so we've been done for a few hours"
"That's great sweetheart, where is Jimin by the way? Dinner is about to be ready and I haven't seen or heard him in a while"
"Oh I think he's in his room"
"Alright then, do you mind going to get him for me please? Tell him 'mom said dinner is almost read so he should come down'"
I smiled at Jiyoung and my dad and made my way up to Jimin's room, as I started getting closer to his room I started getting more nervous since Jimin had told me to stay out of his room. I reached him door and lightly knocked, after a few seconds of not getting a response I slowly opened the door, to find Jimin peacefully sleeping on his bed, I slowly made my way next to him and called out his name but got no response, so I lightly shook him, he mumbled something I could barely understand.. but if I was hearing right it sounded like he said something on the lines of "please leave me alone Taemin" I wonder who "Taemin" is.. oh well... I shrugged my shoulders and try to shake him again. This time he flinched and jumped up looking around his room frantically, I only stared at him in confusion. Once we made eye contact he seemed to relax and sank his body back into the king sized bed. Just as I was about to tell him that his mom had told me to call him for dinner he spoke..
"What are you doing here Jungkook? I thought I had made myself clear." He said with a cold tone.
"Yeah I know, but mom asked me to call you for dinner.. I knocked but you didn't answer so I came in.."
"What did you just say?" Jimin seemed to be pissed for some reason I wasn't sure why..
"Wh-what..? I just said that you should go to dinner.."
"No! You said "mom" asked you to call me to dinner.." at this point Jimin seemed to be boiling with anger, I still wasn't sure why.. he then suddenly jumped up and off the bed pushing me back making me tumble and fall.
"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? CALLING HER MOM!!! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT YOU LITTLE SHIT! HOW DARE YOU???" Just when I was about to defend myself and try to calm Jimin down he threw a punch, hitting me right in the face, I felt blood on my lip and dripping from my nose. I pushed Jimin away and quickly ran out of his room  and into my  bathroom,makings sure  to lock the door behind me. I sat on the floor against the door trying to stop the bleeding with a towel I had laying on the counter and trying to process what had just happened.. why did he suddenly attack me..? Why was he so angry..? Why did he call me a "little shit"..? I haven't done anything to him.. I felt a tear slip out of my eye.. this was gonna be horrible.. Jimin seems to hate me.. and we live together.. we will also be going to the same school and I probably won't fit in.. and knowing how rich Jimin is he's probably really popular and everyone loves him...
I got up off the floor and finished whipping the blood off of my face, I then made my way down to the dining room and sat with my head down.
"Where's Jimin?" I heard my dad ask, I was about to speak but a voice spoke from behind me before I could form the words
"I'm here" I heard Jimin say, he then walked by me and sat across from me at the table.
"Hello Jiminie" my dad said
"Hi" I saw a smile on Jimin's face as he spoke to my dad..
"I heard you helped Jungkook unpack and organize his room, thank you Jimin"
"Of course sir" Jimin's words and smile seemed to be genuine.. but then why did he act this way with me.. I got lost in my thoughts and only realized my family was talking about something important when I heard Jimin curse and storm out of the dining room. I looked at my parents confused, I wasn't sure what was going on.
"How do you feel about this Jungkook?" I heard my father ask "what..?" I asked still confused.
"I said how do you feel about the fact that Jiyoung and I are moving to Japan for a year to deal with some business and for me to go over all the training I will need to go over since I'm new to this company?"
"Oh..." I said suddenly feeling really bad "um it's fine I guess, if it's something you need to do then you should.. I won't stop you"
"Thank you for understanding Jungkook" said Jiyoung. I smiled at her and got up  from the table ready to go back to my room but before doing so I turned around to ask "when are you leaving..?"
"In 2 days son"
"Oh.. ok" I said feeling like I'm about to cry and walked away. Walking up to my room I heard screams and loud crashes coming from Jimin's room.. it startled me and I was about to go check if he was ok until I heard him say something.. more like scream something that stopped me in my tracks..
I then heard a loud crash louder then any others that I had heard previously and Jimin whimpering in what sounded like pain. Without thinking twice or thinking about what he had said I barged into his room, he was on the floor tears streaming down his face.. he had a shard of glass sticking out of his thigh but he didn't do anything about it, he didn't even move he just laid on the floor of his room bleeding while mumbling the same 5 words "I hate you Jeon Jungkook"
Despite what he was saying I walked up to him and crouched down next to him "Jimin hyung...?"
"J-Jungkook.." he seemed to be nearly unconscious, and the blood wasn't stopping, I started to panic not knowing what to do so like an idiot I asked him "Hyung are you ok?" OF COURSE HE'S NOT FUCKING OK JUNGKOOK WHAT A DUMB QUESTION!!! "Hyung put some pressure on the wound I'll go get your mom..!" I said panicked
"Jung-kook.. I..I can't se..."
Jimin passed out before he could finish his sentence I assume he tried to say "I can't see" his vision problem completely clouded from the loss of blood and dizziness. I quickly tied my belt around his thigh and ran to get out parents.
"DAD!!! JIYOUNG!!! PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE..." at this point I was balling my eyes out and had my hands and part of my shirt covered in blood, the house is so damn huge.. what if Jimin dies by the time we get to him.. I started hyperventilating... will this all be my fault...? FUCK..
I ran into the east side of the mansion and saw Jiyoung coming out of the bathroom, without thinking I screamed out "MOM.. PLEASE HELP.. PLEASE.. I THINK HE'S DYING... I THINK JIMIN IS DYING..!" Jiyoung looked at me in horror and I saw my dad run out of the room
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT JUNGKOOK??" My dad asked me frantically. Jiyoung seemed to have lost all colors in her skin..she was now a paper white color.. "He.. he fell and there was gla-glass.. and a piece went into his thigh.. he's bleeding out.. please do something please.. dad... please.."
"Jungkook call an ambulance right now!" My dad screaming as he ran back to Jimin's room both Jiyoung and I following close behind, all while running I dialed 911 from the phone my dad had handed me.. I explained everything to them in what seemed like hours but in reality it had only been like a minute or two, they said they were on their way and would be here in around 5 minutes, Jiyoung took the phone from me and frantically begged them to get here as fast as possible..
I ran back into Jimin's room, my dad was putting pressure on Jimin's wound trying to keep the bleeding to a minimum, Jimin seemed to be turning more pale by the minute, from what I understood the glass had damaged the artery in his thigh and Jimin was indeed dying of blood loss, Jiyoung ran into the room to let us know that the ambulance was here, and nearly fainted at the sight. There was a pool of blood under Jimin he was pale and his lips we're turning blue.. he was "dying"... I hugged Jiyoung and we cried together.
The paramedics ran into the room and in less than 5 minutes  both Jimin and the ambulance was gone, we got into the car and followed after the ambulance.
Jimin's POV
He called her "mom"... he really called her "mom"..  it made my blood boil and before I could stop myself I pushed Jungkook to the ground screaming at him.. I saw him go to say something but it's like my vision turned completely red and I threw a punch.. "HOLY SHIT I JUST HIT HIM.. WHY THE FUCK DID I JUST HIT HIM..?"
Before I could do or say anything Jungkook had already ran out. I sat down on my bed and thought about what I had just done. Why the fuck did I do that? Why do I hate him so much? He didn't do anything wrong.. this isn't Jungkook's fault.. none of it is Jungkook's fault so why was I treating him this way..? I kept telling him he had no right to do a lot of things.. but it was me.. I was the one who had no right.. I had no right to scream at him I had no right to hit him. What the fuck is wrong with me?? I got out of my room and slowly made my way down to the dining room I head Jaemin ask Jungkook where I was and saw Jungkook sitting at the table with his head down, he was about to say something but I answered before he could "I'm here" I said as I walked to the table and took a sit across from Jungkook he didn't even glance at me, he probably hates me now.. I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and started having a conversation with Jaemin. After a few minutes I heard my mom clear her throat, making eye contact with her it was clear she was worried about saying something.
"What's wrong mom?" I asked a bit worried.
"Well you see honey.. since Jaemin just joined our company there are quite a few trainings he has to go through..." I looked at her getting more nervous which made me get more nervous as well.
"Ok and..?" I asked impatiently.
"And that means we'll have to move to Japan for around a year maybe more."she finished.
I looked at my mother in disbelief. This past year she's spent most of her time in Busan with Jaemin and the company and now she wants to leave again. At this moment I lost my shit  "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? YOU'RE LEAVING ME AGAIN..? WHAT THE FUCK... YOU JUST GOT BACK AND NOW YOU'RE LEAVING FOR ANOTHER YEAR? WHAT KIND OF FUCKING MOTHER DOES THIS?" I stormed out of the dining room and into my room. I slammed my door shut screaming and throwing my belongings around, I kept going and without realizing I started screaming not just nonsense but actually words "I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! IF ONLY YOU HADN'T COME INTO OUR LIVES MOM WOULDN'T BE LEAVING ME AGAIN!! I JUST GOT HER BACK AND NOW SHES LEAVING AGAIN!!! I HATE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK.." why was I so mad at Jungkook..? At this point I didn't care, all I cared about was the fact that I hated him and blamed him for my mom's marriage with his dad, as I was about to hit my wall, the cristal disco ball I had on my sealing fell hitting my book shelf and shatters into many pieces, I flinched at that tipping over my shelf and having it all crash onto of me, I scream out in pain as I felt myself make contact with the hard marble floor with all the strength I could master I pushed the shelf off my leg but still kept feeling a sharp pain. At this point I was to tired to care so I just stayed laying on the floor, tears kept flowing down my face, I had no strength to get up or even scream out for help.. like anyone would hear me anyway.. in such a big house the chances of being heard are like 0/100.. I just laid on the floor feeling blood dripping down my thigh, I kept crying and whispering the same words over and over again "I hate you Jeon Jungkook"
I started feeling lightheaded when someone burst through my door. It was Jungkook he sounded panicked, "Jimin hyung..." I heard him practically whisper.. I tried to ask him for help but all that came out was a quiet "Jung-kook..."  "Hyung are you ok.." I heard him say.. he's so cute.. that's the dumbest question I've ever heard in a situation like this but his worried tone made him sound cute... what the hell am I thinking... "Hyung put some pressure on the wound I'll go get your mom..!" I heard Jungkook say I tried to do what he told me but felt myself slipping out of consciousness "Jung-kook... I can't se.." everything went black.

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