Chapter 8

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After being rescued Jimin was taken to the hospital where he was thoroughly examined and had his injuries all treated.
Seven hours later and he had been allowed to go on home with (3 broken ribs, a stitched up elbow, a slight concussion, a broken wrist, and 2 broken fingers). He signed all his discharge papers and called a cab to be taken home.
"Why didn't he call his parents or at least one of his friends?"
You may ask.. well that's because he was dead for them. They buried him without a second thought. So he had no reason to call out to any of them.

Yoongi had once again broken into the small music store on the edge of town, this has become a habit of his ever since Jimin's "death" at this point the owners of the store no longer call the police and the police don't bother coming after Yoongi.
They've realized that he doesn't break in with any bad intentions.
And tonight just like any night it's no different. Yoongi sits all alone in a closed store playing a lonely looking piano which stands in the middle.

After 2 weeks Jin has finally left his house, after so long he's finally decided to go take a walk, to finally smell the fresh air, to finally see the outside light, to finally feel some life come back to him.
But sadly all he felt was emptiness.. walking through the cold rainy night the realization of Jimin being "gone" finally hit him and he understood that no amount of fresh air, no amount of light, no amount of "life" would ever fill in the void where Jimin use to be.

3:47am and Jungkook once again woke up from a nightmare..
once again woke with a startle, breathing heavy, and dripping cold sweat.. he woke up looking for no one other then Jimin.. but like every other night once his sleepiness goes away and his scenes come back he comes to the realization that Jimin is no longer "alive"
This realization just like every other night broke Jungkook.. so he just like most nights went out to drink his pain away..

Taehyung just like Jin after 2 weeks finally left his house.. only his (leaving the house) wasn't for a simple walk.. after 2 weeks he got an idea.. the loss of his best friend was unfair and painful and he thought that Jimin should never be forgotten. So he got a bag of spray paint and went out.. reaching a tall building he took out his spray paint and started his master piece..

 reaching a tall building he took out his spray paint and started his master piece

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The moment he was done police showed up.. and Taehyung did something he never thought he would. Trying to run and fight off the officers Taehyung was arrested.

After 2 weeks of pretending to be ok the fact that "Jimin is gone " finally hit Namjoon and he locked himself up in his room. He locked himself up and cried, cried for hours missing his "dead" friend no not "friend" his "brother"
He knew Jimin since they were 5 and now he's gone.. Jimin's death has left a hole in Namjoon's heart.. a hole no one else will ever be able to fill in.

Hoseok seems to have just destroyed himself. He hasn't been (not drugged/high) not one day from these past 2 weeks..
He doesn't even seem to be (Hoseok) anymore.. he's turned into a whole new person. And tonight just like any other night Hoseok is taking a shit ton of pills to numb the pain he feels in his heart.

Its now 5:21am and Jimin has just arrived at his house. Just as expected there was no one there waiting for him.. with a sigh Jimin walked up to his room and into his bathroom. While taking his shower all Jimin could think of were the people he considered "family" and how without any second thought they left him for dead.
After his shower he took the meds he was prescribed and went on to lay down on his bed and try to get some sleep.

Before sleep could kick in Jimin heard commotion coming from downstairs. In pain and with all the strength he had left, he made his way down to his living.
There he saw Jungkook, a very drunk, sad, tear stained Jungkook.

Jimin's POV
I saw Jungkook wobble and stumbled into the house, he looked so sad, so broken, before I would've laughed at him or just ignored him, I've would've done any to simply make him feel like shit.. but now all I could think of was hug him and tell him that whatever it is that's making him feel this way will be ok.

Jungkook's POV
Was I hearing things.. or was I imagining things.. I swear I had just heard Jimin's voice.. with much struggle I looked up.. and there he was (Jimin.. my Jimin)
No it can't be.. he's dead this is just a hallucination.. my imagination.. but he looks so real.
"Hyung..." we made direct eye contact and I could no longer keep it together. Falling to my knees I broke down in a fit of sobs. "Jiminie hyung I'm sorry.. I'm so fucking sorry.. hyung I should've saved you.. I should've listened I shouldn't have left you there.. hyung you're dead because of me.. Jimin forgive me please I didn't mean to leave you.. I didn't mean to let you get hurt, to let you die.. forgive me Jiminie.. I know we'd never been close and you probably hated me but I still loved you Hyung.. and I know it's too late because you're gone and this is all a hallucination but while I can see you stand here in front of me I just want you to know that I love you hyung and not just as a brother I fell for you hyung and I'm sorry.."

Jimin's POV
"Kookie.." seeing him so broken broke my heart. I went up to him and did exactly what I wanted to do, I hugged him and let him cry in my arms.. he's drunk and he thinks I'm dead.. he thinks he's hallucinating..
"Jungkookie come on.. let's get you to the couch ok.."
"Hyung.. are you real..?"
He kept leaning on me causing pain to go through pretty much all of my body..
"Come on Kook"
After almost 20 minutes I finally got the broken boy to the couch and covered him with a blanket leaving him there to sleep and then also making my way up to my room to sleep as well.

Jungkook's POV
I woke up with a headache. Looking around I realized I was on the couch in the living room of my house.. while looking around the memories from the previous night all came flooding back.. Jimin.. I saw Jimin I talked to him.. he.. he was the one.. he helped me up to the couch.
It was Jimin he tucked me in.
Without another thought I jumped off the couch and went running straight to my hyung's room.. part of me knew that what I saw was a hallucination but another part of me hoped that Jimin was really here.. but how could he be..? My hyung is dead..
I ran into his room only to find it empty, just as expected.. with tears already filling my eyes I started to make my way out of Jimin's room when his bathroom door opened, without hesitation I spun around and was left frozen by what I was seeing.. my hyung was standing in front of me.. nothing but a towel wrapped around his torso, big black bruised litered his abdomen there was a cast on his left hand and a bandage around his left elbow..
Was this real..? Was Jimin really standing in front of me.. I wanted to run to him and hug him but at the same time I was terrified to move.. terrified that the moment I take a step forward he will disappear..

And that's when it happened.. when I heard it..

"Hey Kookie.. how are you feeling..?"

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