Chapter 9

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"Hey Kookie... how are you feeling?

Jungkook's POV
Hyung.. he was really standing in front of me.. he was really there..
"Jiminie.." I said still not believing my eyes..
" Kookie.. I thought you forgot about me.." I said looking Jungkook directly in the eyes. "I thought you left me to die.." I saw him tear up and take a step forward, but he abruptly stopped.
"Hyung.. I didn't.. I swear I didn't.. they told us you were dead.. Jimin they buried you, we were all there hyung.. I'm sorry.." I could no longer hold back.. I ran to my hyung and hugged him, falling to my knees tears making their way down my face..
I expected to be pushed away but he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"It's ok Kookie.. don't apologize.." I kept him in my arms playing with his hair and gave him a kiss on the head. "I missed you bunny" he looked up at me with tears streaming down his face, "don't cry Kookie it's ok..everything is ok." I wiped his tears and gave him another kiss on the head.

"Jiminie hyung.. I'm sorry I came and ruined your life.. I'm sorry I made you angry all those times.. I didn't mean to be a pain in the ass for you hyung.. All I ever wanted was for you to like me I'm sorry Jimin hyung.." I looked down not knowing what to expect.. I really like Jimin and I'm scared of him hating me.. I like him so much that I'm willing to keep my feelings hidden if it means that we can at least be friends.

Jimin's POV
He thinks I hate him.. he really thinks I hate him.. I don't... the truth is I've come to like the bunny over the time we've lived together.. and being kidnapped and locked up and away from him for so long made me realize that I like having Jungkook around he's good company.. I want to build a friendship with him. But I can't get over what he said to me last night.. he said he loved me.. more then just a brother.. was he seriously or was is just guilt and drunk talk... I have to talk to him about that.. but we'll do that later when everything is calmer. For now I just have to tell him how I feel.
"Jungkookie.. I'm sorry, I was an asshole I shouldn't have made you feel unwanted or hated.. the truth is I Love You Kookie.. and I'm really sorry bunny.." he looked up at me with a smile..
"I Love You too Jiminie.." I smiled at Jungkook and ruffled his hair.
"Come on bunny go wash up and after we will go out to get some food and let everyone know that I'm alive."
"Ok hyung I'll go shower and get ready"

Jungkook's POV
I called all of my hyungs asking them to meet up because I had something important to share with them. After 20 minutes of convincing them to come out and live a normal day of life they all agreed.
Now I'm sitting in a small cafe with Jimin while waiting for my hyungs.
"Jiminie how are you feeling? Are you ok? Does anything hurt? Have you taken your pain killers? Have you changed your bandages? If you need help with anything please tell me hyung I wanna help." I saw Jimin looking at me with a soft smile.
"Relax bunny I'm ok, don't worry if I need anything I'll let you know so just relax" I smiled at the adorable kid sitting in front of me, he no longer seemed like a brat to me, he didn't even seem like someone I could ever not like, this 16 year old bunny in front of me was adorable and caring and only deserved to be loved.

The gaze Jimin hyung looked at me with, wasn't anything I'd seen him do before, it was soft and almost loving. Before I could think too much into it I heard the bell of the cafe door ring and saw my hyungs, they all looked quite sad and like they had no desire to be here. I looked at Jimin who back was facing them and they all looked at him with a questioning expression as though asking me who that was. "They're here hyung.."

Jimin's POV
Hearing Jungkook say that I stood up and faced my friends. They all looked at me as if there was a ghost in front of them.. but it's not surprising after all  to them I was dead...

Taehyung's POV
I couldn't believe it.. my best friend was standing in front of me.. then same best friend who funeral I attended was in front of me..
"Jiminie..?" I ran to him and hugged him tightly while still being careful since I saw all the bandages he had on his body. "Jiminie I missed you so much.. I thought you were dead.."

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