Chapter 6

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Jimin's POV
"It... it is you..."

I looked up at the person hovering over me.. it really was him... it was Taemin.
The one person I hoped to never see again was now hovering over me trapping me between his body and the bed.. I tried pushing him away but he just grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head.

"Long time no see beautiful" I heard Taemin say as he started inching his face closer to mine..
"W-why... why are you back..? I asked in a shaky voice mentally cursing myself for it.
"I told you I'd be back Jiminie didn't I?"
"Why? Why can't you just leave me alone? Why are you doing this to me? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why won't you just disappear out of my fucking life?" I was angry so angry I didn't realize a fist had collided with my face making my lip bleed the moment I had finished practically screaming at the male in-front of me.
Once the realization hit me I looked at Taemin fear taking over my thoughts.. he just hit me.. was he going to do it again..?
"You should learn to keep that pretty mouth of yours shut Jiminie.. no one likes a loud, obnoxious, little bitch" he said a smirk evident on his face.
"What the fuck do you want from me...? You must want something since you're back.." his smirk only grew wider.
"You're right Jimin I do want something. I want you." this statement didn't make me feel any less fear then I was already feeling. Just as I was about to say something the door to Namjoon's room opened. I looked up and saw Jungkook he looked at us wide eyed and embarrassed.

"Oh I'm so sorry.. I didn't realize anyone was here.." he was about to walk out.. I couldn't let him do that..
"Jungkook..." I called out hoping he would somehow save me.. but of course that didn't happen..
"Jimin hyung.. I'm sorry ok just please don't scream at me again.. I'll be going.." without looking back he walked out of the door closing it in the process.
And here I was once again alone face to face with the monster that for the past 3 years has haunted me not only in my nightmares but also in real life...
Taemin leaned away from and started to undress me I struggled to get out of his grip but it only tightened around my wrists, I kicked and screaming and cried but nothing worked.. soon I was naked and bruised since for every kick and scream I let out Taemin would hit me..
He then took off his belt and tied my legs together, and with a string he had in his pocket he tied my hands.. at this point I was on the verge of having an anxiety attack.. he was gonna rape me.. as my body was beginning to go numb from all the trembling.. he suddenly got off me and walked towards a bag.. I watched in horror as he pulled out some kind of kind whip with 3 shards of glass tied to the end of it, and started making his way back to me.

Jungkook's POV
After around 15 minutes I realized Jimin still hadn't come back so I decided to go look for him. Walking around Namjoon's house for a good 20 minutes looking for Jimin led me to the only room with a door that didn't seem to be locked, I slowly opened the door and saw 2 figures one was laying on the bed and the other was hovering on top holding the smaller figures arms above his head, as I looked closer I realized it was... Jimin and the guy I had met a few weeks ago who I knew to be Taemin, Jimin's boyfriend...
"Oh I'm so sorry.. I didn't realize anyone was here.." I said as I lowered my head in embarrassment, ready to walk out of the room, but before I could I heard Jimin speak up..
"Jungkook..." he was probably about to scold me and call me a "brat" or a "little shit" so before anyone of that could happen I responded.
"Jimin hyung.. I'm sorry ok just please don't scream at me again.. I'll be going.." after saying this I quickly walked out of the room closing the door in the process.
I slowly made my way down to the living room where the music and loud voices were coming from, before walking out of the house.
Of course he has a boyfriend, how could I have forgotten that.. but if he has a boyfriend why is he so touchy with Taehyung.. and why did he seem kinda scared when I saw him with that "Taemin" guy.. and how could I think I would ever have a chance with him... As I was sulking on the grass outside Namjoon's house someone came up to me and placed their hand on my shoulder, I jumped in surprise only to be met with a wide eyed Yoongi.
"Hey, you ok Kook? You seem sad.." I looked at Yoongi and tried to put on my most genuine smile.
"Of course I'm ok hyung, why wouldn't I be?" The look on his face said practically screamed that he wasn't convinced..
"Jungkook you sure you're ok?" I lightly frowned at my hyung letting go of my facade..
"It's just Jimin hyung..."
"Has he been treating you coldly again..? Aish that little brat I swear I will.." I cut my hyung off before he could continue.
"No no.. hyung it's nothing like that.. he was actually pretty nice to me recently"
"Really?" Yoongi looked at me surprised.
"Yeah he was quite nice to me today, he even let me go shopping and get ready with him and Taehyung hyung"
"That's good Kookie, I hope you two figure things out and become closer" Yoongi said smiling.
"Yeah I hope so to.."
"Speaking of Jimin, have you seen him? I haven't seen him in almost an hour.. is he still here?" I looked at my hyung contemplating whether or not I should tell him what I had seen, after a minute long internal battle I decided to tell him.
"Yeah I saw him upstairs with his boyfriend a while ago" Yoongi hyung's expression suddenly became really serious.
"What boyfriend Jungkook..? Jimin doesn't have a boyfriend..." I looked at Yoongi confusing filling my mind.. did they not know that Jimin was seeing someone..? Was I not supposed to say anything..? What the hell is going on..?
"What do you mean hyung..? he's with Taemin.. his boyfriend.." Yoongi suddenly turned as pale as a ghost and without another word went running back into the house and up the stairs, I followed after him still confused.. but before I could catch up to Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin, along with a pissed off Hoseok carrying a drunk Taehyung stopped me.
"Hey Kookie what's up? Are you ok..?" Jin asked a bit worried..
"I need to go with Yoongi hyung.. something is wrong..!" They all looked at me worriedly
"What's wrong Jungkook?" Namjoon asked me in a serious tone.
"Jimin is with a guy named Taemin I saw them around 30 minutes ago upstairs and when I told Yoongi he freaked out.. I think something is wrong.." Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and even drunk Taehyung who seemed to suddenly sober up, all suddenly looked at me wide eyed, fear filling their expressions.
Jungkook are sure that who you saw with Jimin was Taemin?" Namjoon asked me nearly freaking out.
"Yeah I'm sure, I met him a few weeks ago in school while Jimin was still in the hospital. He said he was Jimin's boyfriend and asked me how Jimin was doing.."
" School..?" Hoseok asked a mixture of worry, fear, anger, and disgust washing over his face.
"Yes.." Taehyung who had been standing there with a pale face suddenly sprinted up the stairs.
The rest of us following close behind.
"Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" I asked starting to panic at this point.
"Jimin doesn't have a boyfriend.. Taemin is his crazy ex.. he abused and sexually assaulted Jimin.. he was supposed to be in juvie.." at this moment I came to a realization.. Jimin's fearful expression wasn't from getting caught by me and feeling embarrassed.. he was scared of Taemin.. and he didn't call out my name to scold me.. he was asking for help...

We all ran into the room where I had seen Jimin last.. Taemin was nowhere to be seen.. while Yoongi hysterically cried and held onto what seemed to be a lifeless, bloody Jimin. Taehyung tried his best to detach Yoongi from Jimin but our hyung held onto him as if his own life was on the line..

"HYUNG PLEASE...!" I heard Taehyung scream at Yoongi as tears streamed down his face..
"PLEASE LET GO.. HYUNG WE HAVE TO TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL JUST PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT HYUNG.. you-you can't break now..." I heard Taehyung say...
I just stared at this lifeless form that was once Jimin lay in-front of me.. without even realizing it I found myself on my knees bawling my eyes out, with Jin trying to conform me, while Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok tried to tear Jimin out of Yoongi's grip.. when they finally managed to get Jimin away from Yoongi.. Namjoon ran down clearing his house of any people, while Hoseok ran downstairs and I assume out of the door to his car with Jimin in his arms.. Taehyung stayed in the room trying to calm the mess of hysteria that was Yoongi hyung...

After what seemed like hours I looked up and met eyes with Jin hyung..
"It's all my fault isn't it..?" I asked my hyung..
"Jungkook why would you say that.? In no way is this your fault... you're still new here you couldn't have possibly known especially not with the way Jimin has been acting towards you.." I bursted out crying once again..
"He asked me for help hyung... he looked scared when I came in.. he called for me.. he was asking me for help and I left him..." I couldn't control my now loud sobs, Jin hyung just sat there hugging me..
"This isn't on you Kookie.." I looked up at my hyung and before I could say anything Yoongi finally spoke..

"He wasn't breathing.." we all snapped our heads towards Yoongi..
"What did you just say..?" Jin asked body visibly trembling..

"My.. my Jiminie... he wasn't breathing..."

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