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January 6, 2029

My colleagues and I were walking into our chambers, and I heard the familiar sound of his voice. My closest friend in the Senate, John Schlossberg. I say friend because most of my colleagues believe we are more than that, and I do believe we are closer friends than average. I suppose the correct term would be best friend.  Still, my fellow Texan Senator, John Cornyn always has to ask me 'when the wedding is' every time he sees me. 

"Senator, you must wait for me! I must escort you to your seat!" Said Jack.

I rolled my eyes as he held his arm out for me, and I linked my arm in his. We entered the Senate chamber and sat down at our desks in the back of the room. Unfortunately desks in the Senate were given based on seniority, and as Jack had only been a senator for five years, and I four years, we were at least stuck In the back of the room for  the next few years. 

We were convening today to certify the recent results from the 2028 election. After Joe Biden won the 2020 election he won again in the 2024 election. Now when we certify the results from this past election, America will have its first ever female president. That's right, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is going to be the next president of the United States of America! 

Once we were all seated, Vice President, Kamala Harriss entered the chamber and walked to her desk. "Alright then, let's begin everyone!" The Vice President has been exceptionally ecstatic lately.

"All those in favor of nullifying the results of this election, do speak now or forever hold your peace." A few of my republican colleagues raised their hands,  but only about five or so of them. The Vice Peesident counted the raised hands and then spoke once more, "all those in favor of certifying the results of this election, speak now or forever hold your peace." Almost every single hand shot into the air. 

"Alright, that makes us ninety-six to four. AOC will be the next president of the United States of America! Senators, you are dismissed." She announced. 

We all got up and exited our chamber. Once we were outside John held his hand out for me. We began walking toward the entrance of the Capitol, but I was summoned by my fellow Senator, Mr Cornyn. "I'll wait for you." Jack said in my ear before letting me walk over to senator Cornyn. 

I followed John Cornyn down the corridor and into his office. Once we entered the room he sat down at his desk and faced me.

"Y/n, I don't know if you know it or not but that man is clearly in love with you, and It's obvious you feel the same way about him." He looked me in the eyes, clearly expecting an answer. 

"Um, sir, I don't really think-" I started to defend myself but was cut off.

"Y/n, we have spent a great deal of time together. Ever since you took Mr Cruz's spot at my side I've gotten to know you. In a way it is like you are a daughter to me, therefore I can see the way you light up when he walks into the room. I can also see the way that you two flirt with each other." 

"But-" I began, and was cut off again. 

"Y/n, all I'm saying is that if that man asks you out, you better say yes. I can see how much he loves you, you are really missing out on something special. You may go now." 

I  just nodded and quickly left his office, I was in so much shock. How many other people could see that? Was it really so obvious? But one question kept drifting through my mind all the way down the hall. Did Jack really love me? 

Once I reached Jack he was standing at the door waiting for me. I looked at him and I had such a huge urge to tousle his perfect hair, but I resisted. I grabbed his hand and he led me outside to my car. 

I got into my car as Jack held the door open for me. Once I was buckled in, he leaned in through the window, so close I could feel his hot breath, and asked "You are going to come to the inauguration with me and my family, right?" My heart had already begun beating fast, but now it was absolutely hammering inside my chest. 

"Of course, Jack! I'd love too." I exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll pick you up at your apartment on the 20th!" he said, as a huge grin spread across his face.  We hugged each other goodbye and I begun the short drive home to my apartment.  However, I couldn't stop myself from wondering about what Mr Cornyn told me.

 Did I love Jack? 

A Mutual Yearning - John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now