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What should I wear! I quickly went through my closet looking for something to wear.  Believe it or not this only the first inauguration I'be ever been to, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to wear. 

I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost 10! Jack would be around to pick me up any minute now. I just settled on a simple black dress that I layered a black coat over. It's actually not unlike the coat his grandmother wore to his grandfather's inauguration. 

I slipped on some nude heels, and slid a black headband in my already curled hair. I walked over into my bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. I looked okay, it wasn't like I was going to some big fancy ball or something. 

But I was interrupted by a loud knock on my door, and I quickly hurried to open it. 

"Ah, you look lovely y/n!" Said Jack, with huge grin plastered over his face. 

"Thanks,  as I wasn't sure what to wear, I thought this would do." 

"Stop it! You look marvelous y/n!" 

At the subtle complement, my heart began fluttering inside of my chest.  "Alright, what's the plan for today Jack?" I questioned him to try and get my heart rate somewhat back to normal. 

"Well, I was thinking that when we get to the Capitol, we could say hey to my parents, and then find our seats. You haven't met my parents before have you?" 

"No, I haven't. I can't wait to meet them!" Actually, I was a bit nervous to meet his parents. I know it sound ridiculous, but what if they hate me? 

Once we reached his car he opened the passenger side door and held it open for me. I thanked him and he hopped in the other side. "I didn't realize what time it was! We've got to get going or we'll be late!" He exclaimed, looking at the clock. 

I looked at him with an expression of confusion. "Jack, it's 10:45! The inauguration doesn't start for another hour and a half!" He glanced at my expression and gave a loud laugh. 

"I thought you were a senator too! We've always got to arrive to events early in case there is press there, which I know there will be." 

"Right." I said. The thing I liked least about my job was the press. 

I didn't live very far from the capital because of work, so we were already arriving at the ceremony. Once Jack found a place to park, we hopped out of the car and met up with Caroline and Edwin. 

I stood slightly behind Jack, using him as a makeshift shield as he introduced me to his parents. "Mom, Dad, this is senator y/n l/n! She's going to be joining us in the festivities today!" 

I don't really know what I was afraid of,  because both of his parents were really very nice. Caroline enthusiastically stuck her hand out to me, "I'm Caroline dear, and this is my husband Edwin." Edwin glanced at Jack and then shook my hand. "I'm afraid I've got to get going, we've got to make our entrance, Ed. See you two soon!"

"Bye mom!"JackCalled, grabbing my hand and leading  me into the building. We went up a few flights of stairs and exited the building through a large set of double glass doors. We made our way down a few steps and found seats on the platform. 

Eventually Caroline, Edwin, and a few other people joined us. Later, George and Laura Bush, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Joe and Jill Biden made their way onto the platform, followed by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Riley Roberts. 


 Justice Kagan began speaking, and the entire crowd when so quiet you could hear a pen drop. "Repeat after me. I Alexandria Ocasio Cortez do solemnly swear-"

"I Alexandria Ocasio Cortez do solemnly swear." 

"That I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States-"

"That I will Faithfully execute the office of president of the United States."

"So help me God-"

"So help me God." AOC finished, absolutely beaming. The crowd went absolutely wild. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce President Ocasio-Cortez!" Said justice Kagan. 

I could feel the great pride and sense of nationalism radiating off of everyone in attendance. I'm so happy I could spend this day like this, with Jack by my side to witness it with me. 

Eventually though, everyone started to trickle out of the stands. Jack and I stood and I Followed him over to his parents. Caroline was talking with the Obama's and the Biden's. When we reached them Jack greeted them as if they were old friends, well they probably were now that I think about it. 

Jack introduced me, and I shook hands with the Obama's and the Biden's. Then Jack pulled me aside by the elbow. "Y/n, we are about to head to Arlington. They want to visit the tomb of the unknown soldier." He told me before we found his car and began the drive to Arlington National Cemetery.

When we got there we were led around the back of the amphitheater to the tomb of the Unknown soldier. We found seats in the stands next to Caroline and Edwin and watched as the Bush's, Obama's, and the Biden's were escorted in, moving to stand next to each other, all gazing at the tomb. 

Shortly after AOC and Riley Roberts were escorted in, and placed a wreath at the foot at the tomb, and the ceremony began. 

Once the ceremony was over the new president and her husband climbed into a car to make their way to the White House, but we hung back for a little bit. 

"Jack, what are we doing?" I asked. 

"Mom wants to pop over to my grandparents graves real quick. Is that alright?" 

"Yeah of course!" I had visited Arlington as a little girl, but I never imagined I would be visiting the 35th president alongside his family. 

We visited Teddy and Bobby first, and then we made our way over to John and Jackie. When we reach d them, Caroline bent down and touched their graves. She said something that I didn't catch and laid a bouquet of flowers on each of their graves. Then she laid a single flower Patrick and Arabella's little graves. 

Of course I knew the story of the terrible tragedy, but seeing their family like this really put everything into perspective. 

It was starting to get dark, and we began to head back to Jack's car. We drove to my apartment in silence. Once we got there, he jumped out of the car and opened my door for me. 

"My, John, you're such a gentleman!" I teased him. 

"Please, y/n, I'm just being nice." He led me to my door and waited for me to unlock the door. Once I was Inside I turned around to face him. 

"Thank you for taking me today Jack, it was great." I said, and I noticed his head slowly lowering. He looked into my eyes, and our lips collided. 

His lips were warm. I didn't realise how cold my lips had been, but his instantly lit a fire that I didn't know was inside of me. 

Our lips moved together for a moment and then we broke apart. He smirked that beautiful smirk, "No need to thank me y/n, it was my pleasure." 

A Mutual Yearning - John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now