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"Hey Y/n!" Jack cried as I walked toward him. When I got to him I wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed in his scent. the smell of his Cologne was intoxicating, I think the scent is Sauvage by Dior, but I'm not sure. It was Valentines day, so I came to approach him about our plans for the night.

"Hi Jack!" I said into his chest. "I just came to ask you what we are going to be doing tonight for Valentines day."

"oh, well, I figured we could just hang out at my apartment tonight. I can make dinner, or we can order something, and we can watch a movie together. I'll let you pick the movie of course darling."  he said as he stroked my hair.  "I hope that's not too boring."

"Of course that's not too boring, It sounds amazing!" I broke his embrace and stood on my tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. "Plus, I already know what movie we are going to watch!" 

Jack and I ended up ordering Mexican food for dinner, which was delicious. After we finished eating, we watched our movie. I picked Twilight, obviously, something romantic but also something for us to make fun of and laugh at. 

"I can't believe I used to have a crush on Carlisle!" I exclaimed. "It's so embarrassing, all of my friends were either obsessing over Edward or Jasper, and I was obsessing over their hot dad!"

"Oh my Gosh, Y/n!" Jack laughed at me, enjoying my embarrassment, "Even when my sisters made me watch Twilight with them as a child, at least I had a crush on someone a little bit more my age! I was more of a Rosalie guy."  

"Okay, well that may be the case, Rosalie is still what? Ninety years old?" I playfully berated him.

"Okay y/n, Carlisle is like what? Three Hundred and Sixty Five? I don't understand how that's any better." We both laughed at this. I leaned into him and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"I don't need an old vampire husband, Jack, I just need you." I said as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I love you Y/n." he said, stroking my hair.  

"I love you too Jack." My eyes began to feel a bit heavy after that, and I closed my eyes for a quick rest. 

My eyes snapped open. I guess I actually fell asleep while Jack and I were watching the movie last night. Oh my Gosh, that's right, Jack! I tried to sit up, but I found a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. 

I didn't want to wake jack, or at least that is what I told myself, so I carefully laid back down. I guess He must have fallen asleep during the movie as well, because he was out cold. We had shifted during the night, so that we were no longer sitting up, and my head now rested on his chest. 

About an hour later Jack began to stir, and only then did I realize that today was Thursday and I still had to go to work. "Good morning Angel." Jack said groggily. 

Now that he was awake I didn't have to be so careful anymore. "Jack, It's eight o'clock! we've got to get to work!" 

"Well, Y/n, we could always just miss a session, we won't miss anything. we already voted on that reform bill, remember?" I can't believe Jack was trying to get me to fall down on the Job.

"Are you kidding me Senator?  We are elected officials! we can't just miss a day of Congress, we are part of what keeps this country's government running? I doubt your Grandfather ever just said 'Oh I don't really feel like being President Today, I'm just gonna go play some golf!'" 

that seemed to get him motivated enough. I didn't have time to go all the way to my apartment and change clothes so I was stuck in the same pair of jeans I was wearing the night before. I din't want to just wear a T shirt to work, so I borrowed a polo from Jack. I figured I could pull of the casual look like Meghan Markle when she attended a polo match with prince Harry  and obviously borrowed his shirt. 

Jack Threw on a pair of slacks and a polo and grabbed us both a banana on our way out the door. "I'm sorry I couldn't make you breakfast darling, but  I promise I'll take you anywhere you want for lunch." he said. 

"It's alright, Jack, it's our fault for sleeping too late." 

I rode with Jack to the capitol and we rushed into the Senate Chamber just in time to find our desks, sit down, and prepare to convene. 

"Hey Y/n, it looks like you and John had a fun night last night!" said my neighbor, Senator Sinema. 

"No, Kristen, I can assure you nothing happened between John and I last night!" I probably looked guilty though, sitting there in my boyfriend's clothes. "We just fell asleep while we were watching a movie at his place last night! I had to borrow his shirt this morning because I didn't want to show up in a T shirt and jeans, I'm trying to look halfway professional. " 

"Well, It sounds like ya'll had a fun time last night. I hope things are going well with you two." she said, and then turned to face the front of the room. I'm glad that she doesn't think that Jack and I are having too much fun. That would be embarrassing. 

A Mutual Yearning - John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now