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By the time that November 2 of 2032 rolled around, stress levels in our family had done nothing but increase. Jack's approval rating was through the roof, which meant more engagements, more speeches, and more dinners. 

I hated having to leave the children, but I knew they were in good hands when they stayed with Jack's mother. 

But the small moments we got to spend as a family meant the world to us. It was getting harder and harder to have those special family moments though, because the paparazzi would not stop at anything to get photos of our children. I could not even take them to the park without a whole army of security agents accompanying us. Last week a woman went up to Caroline and handed her a pen and paper to ask her for her autograph, and I had to explain to the woman that my daughter was only three years old and could not even write yet! 

Even though Jack was not always there, he was extremely protective of his wife and children. He once took the children to get ice cream when someone asked if they could take a picture with Caroline and John, which Jack politely refused. 

Caroline had adjusted well to having a little brother in the past year, and she adored being able to play with him. 

We stayed up all night on the night of the big election, waiting for the results to come through when it appeared that Jack was leading by a few points, however we fell asleep on the couch. The next day we were woken up by Caroline running into the living room shouting, "Daddy! Daddy! They're talking about you on the TV!" 

We rubbed the sleep from our eyes, and looked over at the television, which was set on MSNBC where Joe Scarborough was discussing the results of the election. "It is truly a great day, when we can say President elect Schlossberg! We still have not heard from John Schlossberg  about his recent victory, but we are expecting something soon." 

Soon after we made breakfast for the children, and then we all dressed. Once we were all looking nice, we were all escorted down to the street below by a slew of secret service agents who showed up shortly after we woke. 

It was there that Jack acknowledged his victory and gave a small impromptu speech to the slew of supporters who showed up. 

Two and a half months later we gathered on the inaugural platform for the inauguration ceremony. As I sat listening to Jack give his speech about uniting and coming together, I reflected on the fact that it was on this platform almost five years prior that Jack and I were here here together, where I also met his parents for the first time. 

I chuckled as the Caroline was having the time of her life waving to the crowd down below, and John toddled over to her to look through the railing (he had just recently learned to walk). Jack came  around beside me and wrapped arm around my shoulder. We watched the kids for a while, while we waited for the platform to clear. 

After the ceremony we took a short field trip over to Arlington National Cemetery. We didn't visit for any particular reason, other than we wanted to visit Jack and Jackie. It was actually the children's first time visiting, and as we knelt next to their graves, we told them (well Caroline really) the story of her great grandparents. 

Once we were finished at Arlington, we headed back into Washington, and once we got close enough, walked to the White House. As l held Caroline's hand and led her into the big White House that we would grow to call our home, I reflected over my life leading up to this point. I had no idea what was to come next, but I knew it would be wonderful as long as we faced the future as a family. 

I decided that I was going to go ahead and end the story here, since I have an idea for a new story with an actual driving conflict! Look out for that one soon! Until then, lots of love ❤️ 

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