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"Senator Warnock you have the floor." Vice President Klobuchar announced. Today we were doing a quarum call, and Senators Warnock and Ossoff were going up against Senators Cronyn and Hawley, trying to pass a bill to help reform education. 

There wasn't much any of us other Senators could do except sit and listen. Luckily before we began convening Jack visited Pat Toomy at the candy desk for us and got us some sour skittles and gummy worms. 

Ugh, Jack. Every day I keep expecting him to tell me that his kissing me was a mistake,  it he really hasn't said much of anything at all. I hope he doesn't think that. 

What am talking about? I don't even like him! But still there was still a little part of me that wants a little bit more. 

"Y/n!" Jack's voice broke me out of my daze. "I dare you to put as many sour skittles as you can in your mouth and eat them all, no reaction." 

"All right, bet!" I said, grabbing the bag of sour skittles and poured a bunch of them into my mouth. I was fine at first, but then my mouth started watering, and eventually the sourness got to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and puckered my lips. Apparently the face I made must have been hilarious, because Jack started laughing like crazy. But not a normal laugh, that laugh you do when you laugh so hard that you can't breathe, that silent laugh. 

Jack eventually recovered though, and began wheezing to try and replenish his body's oxygen store. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" He looked at me with wide eyes. "Seriously, y/n, that was hilarious! You were all-" Jack laughed and made a horrible imitation of my puckered up face, however I could not find it in myself to be angry at him. His laugh was just to infectious, and his smile too sweet. I playfully smacked his arm and pretended to be hurt. 

"I can't believe you would do that to me Jack! We are here to do a job too, not goof around!" I exclaimed and turned back toward where Senator Klobuchar was giving her speech. 

"Sure, princess." Was all he said. He turned to face the front of the room as well, but not before placing a hand on my knee. 

My cheeks turned an awful shade of red, and it was growing increasingly more complicated to focus on the points my colleagues were trying to make. 

When we were done meeting I started gathering my stuff, but I stopped when Jack began to speak. "Hey, y/n, will you wait a sec?" He asked. 

He scooped up all of his paperwork and placed it inside of his note book. He might have been stalling on purpose, because by now almost everyone had emptied from the chamber except for Mr Cornyn. 

Once Jack had finished packing up he grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "Y/n, I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight?" He asked me. "You didn't think I would forget about the other night, did you?" 

His smile was just simply too hard to resist, "of course I'll go to dinner with you, Jack." I responded, and I couldn't help the smile that crept out upon my face. I was ecstatic, and I became even more so when I saw how much absolute joy that my response brought out in him. 

He took my hand and led me out of the building and to his car. We got going and he drove us to a restaurant down the street. 

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to pick anything more exotic for tonight, but this will have to do." We just pulled into the parking lot of a little Italian place near the national mall. 

"It's perfect Jack! I love the view of all of the important buildings. It sets a nice mood." 

"Well, I'm glad you like it." He said, and kissed my head. Just then a waitress appeared and escorted us to our table. She asked for choice of drink. 

"Divideremo una bottiglia del tuo vino rosso più fine, per favore." Jack spoke perfect Italian! The waitress walked away to bring us a bottle of wine, and I turned to Jack with a stunned expression on my face. "You never told me you spoke Italian!" I cried in awe. 

"Well, I don't speak it too well, but I do know a bit. When I was a baby my grandmother used to speak to me in Italian. I didn't know her for very long, but she believed that if I was bilingual I would be incredibly gifted. Do know any languages you haven't told me about yet?" He acted like this was casual, but I could tell this was very special to him. It was probably one of his only memorable of his grandmother, no wonder. 

"Well, you know I speak Spanish-" I began, but I was cut off. 

"I didn't know that actually!" The waitress returned with a bottle of red wine and two glasses, then she took our order for our food. I ordered a Chicken Alfredo and Jack ordered a pasta Carbonara. 

"Yeah, well I guess growing up in Texas you pick up on a little bit. For example, "Tu Mirada muy guapo en ese momento." 

Soon the waitress brought our food out to us and we ate our food. The food was really good, but the best part of the night by far was the conversation. Talking to Jack just felt so natural and comfortable. 

After a little while, Jack put his glass down and looked at me. "Y/n I brought you here for a reason tonight." I gave him an encouraging look and he continued, "I've been your best friend for years y/n, and I just can't do it anymore. From the moment I met you I have loved you. I have been in love with you for years, and I know you feel the same." 

"That was when I realized that everything Mr. Cornyn said was true. I loved Jack so much and I couldn't imagine a life without him. 

"I wanted to ask you if you maybe, possibly, wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asked hesitantly. 

"Oh, Jack, I love you too, of course I'll be your girlfriend." We stood and walked towards the doors, and He hugged me so tight I counted to three before I was able to breathe again. 

The drive to my apartment was the best experience of my life. Jack refused to let my hand go the  entire car ride, and we spent the drive singing along to Holding On by Ian Dior. 

in case you were wondering, Jack told the waiter that they wanted to split a bottle of red wine in Italian, and you told Jack that he looked very handsome. 

A Mutual Yearning - John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now