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November 27, 2029

I gazed out of the window of the big White House, at the breathtaking sunset. The sun had begun to set bellow the waves of the ocean on cape cod. 

Jack and I had been dating for about a year now, and he had invited me to spend a few weeks at his mother's Hyannis Port house, that had once belonged to his grandparents. We were due back in Washington in a few days, so we were  trying to get a little bit of everything in of beach life before we were bombarded by demands from our colleagues. 

I was completely zoned out, and therefore hadn't noticed Jack sneak up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. "Y/n, I was wondering if you might want to accompany me on a walk on the beach before the sun sets?" He asked. I quickly agreed and we headed out for our walk.

We talked about anything and everything, from our favorite presidents, to our favorite food, to how many children we wanted to have when we are older. We both agreed that we wanted to have at least two children, but no more than four. His favorite President is Barack Obama, and mine is Jimmy carter. His favorite food is 'anything Italian' and mine is Mexican. 

However I stopped dead in my tracks when he said something that shocked me. "I was also thinking that someday I might want to run for president." He paused to gauge my expression, and then continued, "I know you probably are concerned about what happened to my Grandfather, but I have a really good feeling about this!" He sounded excited, but I wasn't sure if he realized that this decision could possibly be a death sentence for him. 

"Jack it's not even what happened to your Grandfather! What about what happened to Bobby? He was killed before he even reached the Democratic nomination! There are people who just have it out for your family!" I tried to provide as many examples as to why he shouldn't go through with this. But I should have known there was nothing I could do to shake him. 

"Y/n, I'm well aware of what could happen, but there is just this call inside of my heart telling me that I have to do this, and it's telling me that I'm going to be great at it too. I realize that this is probably going to give my mother a heart attack too, but I just can't ignore this feeling anymore!"

I smiled a bit. The secret service was a little better at their job now days, and I was not going to tell him no if it was something he wanted to do so badly. "There's just one problem." Jack said, a look of relief on his face as he read my expression. "I can't be president without a First Lady!" 

I was confused for a moment until he got down on one knee and pulled out a small black velvet box.  "Y/n, from the moment I met you, I knew we were destined to be more than friends. We've shared smiles, laughs, and even tears. I don't really know what is going to come next, but I do know that I won't be able to bear it if you are not on my side. Y/n l/n, will you please do me the immense honor of marrying me? You know I won't stop asking until you say yes." 

Everything he said was true though. I always knew we were meant to be together, because we had been inseparable after just one year of working together. We were like two magnets that couldn't be torn away from each other. I quickly nodded my head and said, "Oh of course I'll Marry you, Jack! I may not have realized it at first, but I've been in love with you since the moment I met you too! I can't think of any other way I'd want to spend my life." 

He was ecstatic. He had the biggest smile on his perfect face, and there was an amazing gleam in his eyes, that made him look like he had won the lottery. He stood up and kissed me firmly but passionately on the lips.  When we finally broke apart, he opened the box and slid a silver ring with a blue sapphire in the center. 

We continued on our walk for a little bit, and finally headed back to the house after the sun had finally set beneath the waves. 

When we reached the house, we walked into the kitchen where Jack's mother was stirring a pot of pasta, and Jack's father sat at the table reading a copy of A Promised Land. Caroline and Edwin barely had time to register our presence, before Jack's sisters, Rose and Tatiana, and Tatiana's husband George came rushing down the stairs. 

"Oh my gosh Jack!" Rose shouted.

"You finally did it! We're so happy!" Said Tatiana. 

"Yeah we might have been watching through the windows upstairs. Sorry about that." George apologized quickly before Caroline interjected. 

"What in the heck is going on here?" She asked. "It was so peaceful in here before you all brought all of that racket in here." She pointed the large wooden spoon she was using to stir the pasta with at the girls, who just told her that she should ask us. 

I held up my left hand for everyone in the room to see, and watched as her faced changes from one of annoyance to one of shock. "Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" She exclaimed. 

She looked to her son, and said, "Jack, I'm so glad you finally found someone who makes you complete. My last little baby has just grown up so fast, and soon he might be having babies!" She enveloped the two of us in a giant hug, that quickly became a group hug as the others joined in. 

"Calm down mom, we haven't even gotten married yet, and you're already talking about children! That's a little fast." We all laughed, and Caroline wiped a tear from her eye. 


The next day, we loaded all of our stuff into Jack's car, and headed back to the district.  We were due to convene the next day, and we couldn't afford to spend any more time at the cape. 

Then, the next day, we all met to discuss a new anti-abortion bill that Senator Harley wanted to pass, but most of us voted Nay, and the draft was discarded. 

At the end of our meeting Vice President Klobuchar read out the new Announcements for this week and when she was done Jack raised his hand, signaling that he had an announcement to make for himself. 

"I would just like to tell you all that Y/n, and I have some very exciting news." He motioned for me to stand up, with a cheeky grin playing across his features. He held my left hand up and announced, "We are now engaged to be Married!" 

We were met by thunderous applause from our colleagues. I'm pretty sure this is the first time something like this has happened. Our jobs playing matchmaker for this Jim and Pam style work romance. But we are so much more than a receptionist and a salesman. We were soulmates. 

Later Jack drove me home, where I worked on the draft of a bill I was going to pass about the changing climate. Hopefully I could find a way to rally my fellow colleagues to believe in the cause as well, as it's such an important issue to me. 

I must have fallen asleep at my table, because when I awoke, I found a blanket draped around my shoulders and a snoring Jack on my couch while Friends blared on the television. 

He must have stayed to make sure I got to sleep, and fallen asleep himself. That's when I discovered that I had the best Fiancé in the world. 

A Mutual Yearning - John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now