Chapter 1: expose a flame (Monday)

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"Happy birthday F." UGH! I extremely dislike it when I'm celebrated. I mean there are a lot more important things happening out there in the world than this! Like world hunger, or major sicknesses, or....or... t-tragedies like deaths. I'm like a spark in a bon fire, or just a tiny fish in the entire ocean! "F.! Time for lunch!" 'Ok! Be there in a sec!" As I walk out of my safe tent I call my temporary home, I smell the best and worst smells. It was like a bunch of scent bombs just went off. 'What's all this?' "Your birthday lunch!" ' You guys know I h-..... extremely dislike, being celebrated?!Besides I'm not that hungry........ Jake wipe that smug look off your face, I told you guys all this before we left the city.' "Yeah but I didn't think you were serious! And yeah I know that you hate your birthday, but at least accept my gift. Btw I cant return it!" 'ugh, this better be good!' ( Sadie, Rose, Alex, and Jexica all exclaim in unison as they walk over) " HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" ' O....M....G! You guys came!? I thought you guys were busy' "Why would we be busy on your birthday?!" exclaimed Rose. " Yeah that was just our coverup" Alex said smugly. Oh my gosh I couldn't believe all of my best friends were here! ' Wait a second.....ugh..... did you guys get me gifts?' I could tell from the small-big boxes they were holding. (all exclaim) " OFCOURSE WE DID!" ugh.... Eternal ugh. This is the only problem with my friends.....they all care TOO much! ........................................................ after dark..................................... For gifts I got headphones, comfy clothes in the color span of Red, Black, Green, or Navy Blue, uhhhh.... Oh tickets to my favorite band , I think that's all . OH, I also got a lot of new camping gear (includes tank tops and shorts and a new pair of sneakers) I'll admit I had a little fun, BUT don't tell Jake I said that!!! But I doubt that's the last of my charade of happiness. They told me that we were going to camp for like almost a week! UGH, that means I have to be stuck with a bunch of happy balloons that wont quit! I might just listen to audio books or music and jog or walk. Also known as me ignoring my fam. Everyone thinks that I have depression or something, but its just the way I am! I mean you cant blame me for being me, or can you? Hmm...... AHH brain pain! Ha kidding.

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