Chapter 6: Please wake up (J.M.)

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 She has been asleep for weeks! I feel so bad, I mean she's in so much pain. I wish..... I wish, no I should stop with blaming myself. Its what she would want. She would say " It's the worlds fault, not yours! Nothing can ever be your fault , your too nice!". Then she would laugh. Her sweet, sweet, gentle laugh. I guess I kind of idle her. She's generous, smart, a leader, funny, savage, perfect. While I'm none of those. I know I shouldn't talk about myself like that, but I am only human! I also know that it was wrong to take her journal, and write in it . But I know this could help in a situation like this. It helped her with her problems. I could have gotten my own journal. But I think she should know how worried I was. Every time I look down at my leg it just makes me feel worse. I mean I am in pain but its not that bad! Its just a scar! NOT A WHOLE FREAKING BURN! Well half of her is burned. I still remember the pain and fear in her eyes as I watched her come out of those flames. I'm pretty sure your like, "Your like 10 how could you carry your 15 year old sister!?". I'm a person who just likes lifting weights. That's kind of awkward, for me, to talk about. Me and Flame used to always sing together even if we were horrible. We would laugh forever! She was WAY better than me. We've never really been apart before. And even though she's right across from me it feels like she's 100 miles away! OM-GOSH! I'm TOO impatient! I just want her to wake up right now and be better! I go over to see her, but I accidently touched her burned skin. Well plaster. She didn't even flinch! It was like the fire was still there. Burning. It didn't hurt me or her, for what it seemed like, it was 

A Burned FlameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon