Chapter 2: Don't feed fire ( Tuesday )

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(on radio) recent forest fires across the world end in devastating tragedies. THIS IS A WARNING FOR ALL CAMPERS! Stay safe, Don't forget that....this was------ (radio ends) I don't need anymore drama in my life. Not many people know this but..... 10 years ago my mom died in a plane accident that landed in a forest that a month later burned down. That forest was my moms favorite place. I remember she told me that if she ever died she would want to be buried there, well at least she got what she wanted. Uhh I cant even stand talking about it anymore. I'm only human, grief is natural. But I just wish I wasn't.... you know.... And just like everyone else ,I don't need more sadness in my life. I some times say to myself ' expression is a weapon, I don't choose to abuse it'. Normally I don't abuse it but sometimes it is necessary. What I think is weird about feelings is that they always change. Another thing I think is weird is that my dreams aren't like dreams there more like visions. I know, its crazy, but my "dreams" normally come true. Maybe its just a coincidence, but I think not! Like for my birthday, camping was supposed to be a surprise but that very night I had a "dream" about us going, then when I wake up they tell me that we were! UGH IM SO WEIRD! I am strange and unusual. Why does life have to be SO HARD! Yes, I know the saying 'life isn't fair' but why not? Cant we all just get along and help each other instead of fighting each other. I'm pretty sure your like ' what does fighting have anything to do with this?' well is cause my 'old friends' were just my friends because they pitied me because my mom died when I was young , then they 'grew out of me'. They bullied me and one day I got so hurt that I got several scars from them. That day they cut me and kicked me then left me laying on the ground. I had enough of it, so I pulled myself together and stood up just to fall again. After a few tries I could walk, I walked almost two hours in a condition so bad, I should have been in the hospital. But no, I walked all the way to the principals office at the front of the school. Luckily they got expelled for abusing me, and even though I was in pain, I felt good that I stood up for myself instead of fighting fire with fire. Even today I still can feel the pain from those scars, and I'm 16! But even if they weren't at my school anymore they still found ways to hurt me. So hate me if you want, tell me I should have done more, tell me I should have fought back. I know I made the right choices, for a 9 year old, I was a pretty smart child. I guess you could say... mature. All I could do then was tell someone, so I told my dad. I couldn't tell my brother, he was just in 2nd grade then. Surprisingly ,now, he is taller than me even though I'm older than him. I'm not short, he was just always super tall , no joke. I mean he looks like a teenager now , he has ocean blue eyes, tan skin ( that's our Indian side), brown scruffy hair, and always wears jeans. Honestly compared to me , we don't really look related . I have red pinkish eyes, red/orange hair, tan skin like him, my hair is wavy but flat, I always wear stuff like tank tops and shorts with a red & black plaid outer shirt. And yes, I was actually born with the color of my eyes and hair. My brother always called me his big flame, and I guess that's where I got my name from. And guess what..... he used to keep his hair super long. He just didn't like cutting it! But back to the story. I told my dad , who was chief of police, and he told his buddies and next thing I know a whole bunch of really kind people were helping me with defending against the problem at hand. After all that was over, things got better. My life went back to normal, well at least normal for me. After the bullies left (moved away) I was left with no friends. Then I met Sadie and Rose, then I met Jexica later. They really helped me then, we became the best of best friends! 'It's just us against the world' we would say. I remember after school we would always go to get ice cream or donuts. Then one day I dropped a picture of me and my mom and a boy named Alex found it and returned it to me. After that I asked him if he wanted to hang out with me and my friends. He finally became part of the crew after a while. "Hey F. you almost done with that chapter?" ' What does it look like? Almost , ok? I'll come out in a second, just wait. ' "Ok, well when your done we're having turkey and potatoes. Also make sure your careful when you come out, don't want to trip." 'Ok, I will.' Well that's it for this chapter. 

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