Chapter 3: A flame will never end only die (Wednesday)

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I wake , startled. I look at my clock, its Wednesday morning at 12:30. But somethings wrong. Its ..... quiet ... too quiet . I wait..... still nothing. I look to my side, peacefully my best friend Sadie sleeps. I look at my rusty radio, another warning?! I play it, but pull the cold metal to my ear so not to wake Sadie.

(radio plays) A massive forest fire was spotted near Ocean Falls campsite !!! Evacuate now if you are any where near this location!!! Anyone in this location try your best to stay safe!!! Help is on its way!!! (radio stops)

I realize that Ocean Falls Campsite is the exact campsite where we are. So I immediately jump into action! I sprint to my dads tent and wake him up. I tell him what the radio said and then to start packing up while I go wake up the others. I hurry, in a panic, to wake everyone up. ' ALEX! ROSE! SADIE! JEXICA! EVERYONE GET UP!!!' I notice everyone, with there weary and confused eyes. ' A fire has been spotted near Ocean Falls Campsite!!!' "Wait....but... that's where we are!!!" Rose says while shaking. I notice that everyone was shivering or shaking while I go into Jake's tent and yank him out of his slumber. ' Yes, that's why we need to leave now. NOW! Get moving! Start packing everything that you don't want burned' I also noticed that Alex looked at me faithfully, like I was a born leader. All I was doing was taking action and trying to stay calm for my family and squad. But I was freaking out inside, I was having a heart attack in my mind... a mind attack! In my mind, besides panicking, all I could think of was the smell, the sight, the warmth, or a full blown fire! I look into the distance....but I wish I didn't. I see a huge cloud of smoke forming. "HEY! Ready to go ! Were all packed up, you?!" stated my dad. ' I'm almost finished! You guys go ahead me and Jake will take the Jeep!' I watched my friends drive off. That's when I saw it! The fire. Heading in our direction! I look to my side and realized that Jake saw it too. I could smell the smoke and burning wood. I look to my side again and see Jake hyperventilating . Then I knew we were too late. I was frozen. Jake was frozen. We were frozen.........

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