Hang Out

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We had moved a dresser in front of the crack. I plopped down on her bed. "So.." I said. "So..' she echoed. "Syd?" I asked. I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her everything. Not just about the powers, but the self-harm and talk with Stanley, to. I'm tired of lying and keeping things from her.

"Yeah?" she answered. "What's up?"

"I think I might have super powers."


Syd looked at me like I was crazy. Holy fuck if she doesn't believe me I'm going to look like an idiot.

"M-me.. too.. I guess.." she said slowly. I perked up at hearing those words. "What.. what do you mean?' I asked. I have to find out if she can do shit with her mind too. Maybe we could help each other.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I made Brad's nose bleed at the diner. And now there's this crack in the wall. It's all super fucking creepy. What's up with you?" she explained. Yes!

"Something happened to me and the diner too. I was having a breakdown in the bathroom and the mirror just shattered."

"You were having a breakdown?" she asked. I have to tell her.

"Yeah.. about that.." I let out a shaky breath and held out my arm. Syd looked up at me before scooting towards me slowly, ever so slowly, lifting up my sleeve. Wow. This is it. I told her. I actually told her. Man it feels good to finally tell someone.

"Y/n.." was all she said before she tackled me to the ground in a hug. "Y/N YOU IDIOT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? GOD I'M SO IGNORANT, I COULD'VE HELPED YOU AND I JUST COULDN'T READ THE SIGNS! I'M SO SORRY Y/N!"

I could hear her crying in her words. It broke my heart. I hugged her back tightly and started crying as well. "Syd, please, it's not your fault." I said. She backed out of the hug and helped me sit back up. She wiped her tears away with her hand. "Tell me next time you feel like doing that. God, you fucking dumbass, I could've lost you.." she said. "I honestly don't know what I would do without you."

I smiled and wiped my tears away as well. "You'd probably be the one to murder me." I said, grinning. She looked at me with confusion playing across her face. "Why would I be the one to kill you?" she asked. Well..

"I'm going to Stanley Barber's house and I didn't tell you." I spat out quickly, giggling and hiding my face in my hands. I heard her gasp and she punched my arm. "Y/N! Why didn't you tell me! He's had a crush on you, like, forever."

I looked up at her with an "I know you're lying" face. "Yeah right." I chuckled. "As if Stan is gay. I'm pretty sure he has a stash of magazines full of girls hidden somewhere in his room."

Syd smirked. "What do you think we talk about when we walk home together or when you go to the bathroom at lunch?" she said. "He talks about you. He wants to know who you like, or what you think of him, or what your favorite things are. He really likes you, Y/n. He likes you a lot."

I could feel my cheeks start to heat up at the thought of Stan being that instrested in me. Does he really like me that much? I mean, we are good friends but I didn't think he could ever LIKE-like me.

"So then what do I do now?" I asked. I don't understand. What do I do that I know he likes me?

"Well, do you like him back?" she asked. God I feel like I'm in 5th grade.

"I- yes? Maybe? Yeah? No? AGH I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed. What AM I supposed to do? Do I act like I don't know? I really like him. At least I think I do? Fuck, how do I know? I don't want to lead him on but the thought of him with another person makes me so overwhelmed. Jealous, even. What do I do? What the fuck do I do?

Butterflies ~ Stanley Barber x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now