- chapter 5 -

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Jungwon ran as fast as he could. But he couldn't escape because Sunoo was already chasing him. His tears started to fall. He stopped and hold onto something.

Sunoo is finally able to catch him. "Hey, Jungwonnie... What happened? Tell me everything" he said while holding Jungwon's hand.

"I-i need to go.. Please let me go" Jungwon shouted at him and remove Sunoo's hand from his. And left him alone.

He stood there completely speechless and knelt started to sob. Even though Jungwon was the best friend ever since elementary but he couldn't figure out why he's like this lately.

Jungwon went to his locker to take his stuff. He didn't want to leave his squad alone there but he didn't have any choice. So Jungwon went home. 

Meanwhile at the canteen,

"They haven't come back yet. I'm getting worried" Sunghoon said

"Me too, let's go find them" Jake added and others agreed

"Well see you later Taki. Thank you for telling us" Heeseung said while he stood up

"Yeah, no problem! See you guys later" Taki said and waved at them

They were walking through the hall until they saw Sunoo sitting down on the floor sobbing.

"Sunoo hyung!!" Niki shouted and ran to him

"What happened? Where's Jungwon?" Jake asked

"I-i don't know, I tried to help him but he won't l-let me..." Sunoo answered stuttered

"What do you mean help him? Did something dangerous happen to him?" Jay asked while patting Sunoo's shoulder

"No, he was running from something but he won't tell me... Like something is bothering him" Sunoo said and started to cry out more

"Shh it's okay Sunoo, come here" Heeseung said and all of the members had a group hug but without Jungwon

They were sad because Jungwon isn't with them. They usually hug together but this is their first time without Jungwon.

"Come on guys, we have to do something to bring our child back" Heeseung said

"Our child..? Wait what?" Sunghoon asked disgustedly lmao he thought Heeseung was drunk or something

"I meant on our Jungwonnie idiot" Heeseung added and rolled his eyes

"I will try to talk to him" Jake said and they let a small 'ooh' and nodded.

After a long walk,
Jungwon saw an ambulance and police in front of his house. He immediately ran to one of the officers and asked "Um hello sir, What happened here?" Jungwon bowed and asked the officer worriedly.

"Oh hello, you must be Yang Jungwon, Mrs Yang's son right?" Officer asked

"Yes sir, that's me why?" Jungwon asked and took a deep breath

"I am so sorry for your loss but your mother and your grandmother were murdered 2 hours ago" the officer sighed and looked down.

Jungwon couldn't believe by the officer's words. He broke down and started to cry out loud. He kept shouting his mom's and grandmother's name while the officer holds him. Jungwon saw few nurses holding his mom and grandma on the stretcher and covered their bodies.

"I'm sorry buddy, we tried our best we could but we couldn't find who's the murder. We are still working on that" the officer said and patted Jungwon's back. Plenty of words were going in Jungwon's head. He wanted to know who did this and what was the reason. He was all alone since his rich-abusive dad kicked Jungwon and Jungwon's mom out of his house when he was only 15. But back then they had few leftover money so they can buy a house. Jungwon knew that they'll be safer back there.

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