- chapter 1 -

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A normal first day of school has started. Jungwon was shy and nervous to go back to school. When he entered the class he saw his best friends. Sunoo and Heeseung. He sat next to Sunoo and waited for the class to start. Mr Hwang entered and greeted all of the students in his class. "Hello everyone! Hopefully, everyone had a great time during the summer holidays. We will have a new student joining us today. Please come in". Jungwon wasn't paying attention that much because he thought there's gonna be another new bratty student. But he was wrong.

When Jake made his first step into the classroom, Jungwon's eyes were already on him. He blushed a bit when Jake introduced himself. "Hello... Uh, my name is Jake Shim and I'm from Australia. Hopefully, we can be friends" Jake said, standing there shyly. The teacher pointed out where he could sit. "You are gonna sit next to Heeseung. Please raise your hand" as soon Heeseung heard his name, he immediately raised his hand.

Jake went to Heeseung's table and sat next to him. Jungwon followed him with his eyes every step he makes. But someone was elbowing him. It was Sunoo.

He smirked and said "Yah, why are you staring at him? Ooo someone has a crush already~~" "Shut up" he said annoyed and of course, the teacher noticed them chatting while not paying attention. "Kim Sunoo and Yang Jungwon stop talking during my lesson! And pay attention more to my lessons" Mr Hwang turned around to the board and continued with his lesson.

After a few minutes, the bell rang. Jungwon was packing his stuff and went to his locker with Sunoo.

"So? Aren't you gonna tell me why were you staring at that Jake guy" he said smirking while waiting for Jungwon to answer. "It's none of your business... It's just... I was admiring his handsome face" "Pfftt I'm more handsome than him" "Yeah right" Both of them chuckled and went to the other class.

[ time skips ]
It's finally lunchtime. Heeseung, Jungwon, and Sunoo went to their favourite table. Three of them sat down and chatted a bit. "Is there any tea to spill today?" Heeseung asked, "Well actually Jungwo-" Jungwon didn't let Sunoo finish his sentence so he yeeted him off the chair. "No, it's nothing haha..." he laughed it off and Sunoo on the floor struggling to get up. "Yahh!! Jungwon why did you do that? My butt hurts hmph" he pouted and went back to sit on his chair. Heeseung and Jungwon found that funny but Sunoo didn't.

Now he knows that Jungwon has a big crush on Jake. It was obvious lol. Heeseung saw Sunghoon and Jay walking towards their table. "Heyy Sunghoonie!!" Heeseung waved at them and they waved back. "Who are they?" Sunoo asked, "Oh they are my friends from hockey club. Why?" "Oh, nothing". Sunghoon and Jay introduced themselves. They asked them if they can sit with them, Jungwon and others agreed.

"Is it okay if I invite my other friend here?" Jay asked nervously, "Of course you can!" Heeseung answered.

As soon as Jake came to their table, Jungwon started to blush a bit. "Oh, there he is!" Jay said and pulled Jake's hand to sit with them. Jake looked at Jungwon and he started to develop butterflies in his stomach. He was blushing so hard and Sunoo noticed it.

"It's Jake. Isn't it?" He smirked and teased Jungwon. Jungwon and Jake looked back at each other. Jake formed a small smile on his face. He's so cute. Jake thought.

It was time to go home. All of them walked together. But something was wrong with Jungwon.

He started to hear his name and whispers about him everywhere. Jungwon started to worry. He stopped, looked back and saw three girls standing there and giving him a dirty look. One of them walked towards Jungwon and it was Yulli. She was one of the biggest bully and a fangirl of Jungwon. She pulled Jungwon's collar and that made him choke a bit. She whispered dirty stuff about him that Jungwon didn't want to hear. Yulli pushed him away and that made him fell.

The boys saw that and immediately ran to him. "Are you okay Jungwon??" Jake asked worriedly and helped him out. "Y-yes I am" Jungwon stuttered. "Don't worry we are all here to protect you Jungwonnie" Heeseung said and patted Jungwon's back. The girls walked away.

[ time skips ]
Jungwon finally arrived home and immediately went upstairs to his bedroom. He lays down on the bed and kept thinking about the situation that happened earlier.

Hey hey! The first chapter is finished so stay tuned for the next chapter! I might update it later so cya y'all! And enjoy!! <3

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