- chapter 6 -

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In the morning,
Jungwon woke up and realized he was wrapped around Jake's arms. He hugged him so tight that Jungwon couldn't get up.

He gently removed Jake's arms and manage to get out. Jungwon went to the bathroom to get ready. Since it was Saturday, he was thinking to go outside for fresh air. Jake was still sleeping.


Hey, Jake hyung.. I went outside to the park to get some fresh air. I borrowed your clothes don't worry I will be back I won't be that long. Love you!

                                 10:24 am.

Before he left Jake's house he made a small breakfast for him so Jake wouldn't worry.

Jungwon finally arrived at the park and took a deep breath. He sat on a bench and looked at the sky. Jungwon tried to forget about the situation what happened yesterday. But no. It still haunts him and he couldn't stop crying because he couldn't say last goodbyes to his grandmother and his mom.

He felt like he was stabbed in the heart and kept thinking it's his fault.

After he cleared his thoughts he saw a black figure walking toward him. Right after Jungwon stood up he got dragged by that black figure and few more other men.

"Who are you guys? L-let me go!" Jungwon shouted while being dragged to a van.

The men won't answer Jungwon's question so they remain quiet. Jungwon was scared and he had no idea where he was going. He tried to find his phone but he realized that he left the phone on the bench.

There was no right timing to call for help. Jungwon couldn't open the window because it was locked by the driver. He had no choice then cry silently.

After 2 hours,
Jake finally woke up and it was around 12 pm. He saw Jungwon wasn't there next to him so he checked downstairs. Jake looked everywhere and he was nowhere to be found. He started to worry so he went to the kitchen to eat. There was already prepared food for Jake. He saw a note right next to his food says 'from your boyfriend Jungwon' Jake was flustered and also confused at the same time. He grabbed his phone and saw a message from his boyfriend.

After Jake read the whole message he saw the time when Jungwon sent to him. 10:24 am. He started to realize that Jungwon was gone for 2 hours. Jake knew something was wrong and started to search for Jungwon.

"He said he won't be long but why hasn't he arrive yet?" Jake thought and his tears started to fall. He immediately went to the park where only Jake and Jungwon know. And he wasn't there.

But something got Jake's attention. He saw an item on the bench. Jake picked up the item and it was a phone. He turned it on and he already recognised that it was Jungwon's phone. Soon after he started to panic and kept shouting boyfriend's name.

There was no response. A lot of people were at the park at the time and everyone stared at Jake weirdly. He kept looking for him and Jungwon was no longer in the park.

Jake kept thinking that he might be kidnapped so he immediately called Heeseung for help.

"Hello? Ayyee Jake my man!"

"Um hey, listen this is serious and I need your help and it's an emergency"

"Woah woah slow down... What happened?"

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