Wrong thoughts

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I went back to my dorm but on my way there i met Draco, Tony was with him too.

„Hey mudblood."

Draco said and smiled.

„Shut up Malfoy."
„Ow, whats wrong mudblood?"
„Shut up."
„You look kinda ugly right now? Arent you wearing your make-up or something?"

He laughed.

I wanted to walk away but Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. So close that our faces were only inches away from eachother.

„Anwser me when i ask something."
„Let me go."

He smirked at me and let go of my arm.

„Come on Draco lets go."

Tony said.

I walked away from them and went to my dorm. I sat down on my bed and read a book. I tried to concentrate on my book but I couldnt get Draco out of my head. The way he pulled me and how he looked at my eyes. His eyes are so beautyful. He is beautyful.

I shouldnt be thinking that. Hes a mean and selfish person. He may look good but there it ends.

I put the book aside and lay on my bed. I think about Draco and I try to figure out why he acts like this.

Maybe its because of his family. Or maybe he has some school problems..but thats not possible, hes really smart. Maybe he just needs some friends but I dont think thats the reason either. Maybe he just wants to be appreciated and liked by other people and the only way he can make someone notice him is by being mean. I dont know.

Dinner will start soon, I will already go down to the great hall because I dont know what else I should do.

I sit down at the Gryffindor table, im the only one in the hall. I start playing with the sleeves of my sweater and think about my next cpotion class and how I should survive the group project.

I saw someone sit down at the Slytherin table. I didnt see who it was because I was still looking down at my sleeves.

I felt someone stare at me and looked up. Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table with his arms crossed and looking over to me while smirking softly.

We looked at eachother for afew seconds until I decided to look down again. I heard him breath out dramaticly and I looked up again. He got ips and walked around the tables and came to the Gryffindor table.

He stood on the other side of me and infront of the table. He slammed his hands on the table that made me flinch.

„Scared Parker?"
„Of you? You wish."

He smirked at me again. He leaned down to me and held eye contact the whole time. Again he was only inches from me.

„You should be."

He said. I raised my eyebrows at him and got closer.

„I can be very bad sometimes, you know."
„Oh really?"

I asked him not impressed. He nodded slightly.

„What kind of bad? With words or with hands?"
„Okey. Could you leave now?"
„And leave you alone? No."
„Malfoy leave, i dont need any company."
„Keep my words in your head Parker. Maybe you'll meet the real Draco Malfoy one day."

He said and winked at me. He left the great hall and I was now completly alone in there again.

What was going on? What is going on with him? What the bloody hell was that all about? What did he mean? Why was he so close to my face? Why didnt I do anything? Why was he so...so...normal put of nowhere?

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