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Blushing at the message She had received from her fiance, she walked towards the dining hall with a spring in her step.

Life has never looked more beautiful. A loving family, good job, caring fiance, She felt happy and content.

She looked forward to a future where she would get married, stay happy, give birth to a cute little girl and a boy, spend her life in the arms of a man who loves her to the point of infinity.

Laughing at her sisters who were fighting over the play station, she went towards the temple area and lighted the lamp.

Eyes bulging out, her posture stiff with the thrishul facing down on the monster, her chest pushed in front with rage, Maa Kaali looked beautiful, like a fire, with righteous anger in her eyes.

Praying to the deity to keep her family safe and happy, she went towards the kitchen to help her mother.

In her hurry, she failed to notice a lone tear escaping the deity's eyes.

After a few hours

The entire family, her grandmother, mother, sisters, together they sat in the living room, singing bajans and making garlands.

It was the night of Amavasya. The night when dark forces gain more power to bring in destruction.

There was no moon, neither the stars.

Thick dark clouds draped the beautiful blue sky from witnessing the horrendous crime that was about to take place.

The elders and kids were having their dinner when there was a knock on their door.

Wind started blowing heavily, plugging the power off. The lamps that were lit in the temple died.

She eagerly opened the door, thinking it to be her elder sister who was supposed to return from work.

Instead, her nightmare stood in front of her with his minions, smirking at her.

Not giving her a chance to shout, he closed her mouth immediately and pushed her inside.

There were about 10 men, all rogues.

Under their boss's instructions, they immediately took the elders hostage and closed all the exits.

Frightened, the remaining women crowded near the kitchen.

What happened next, was the worst nightmare that no girl should face in her life.

Ripping her soul, her clothes, her dignity, the boss who was a monster in real, put her as a public display for his minions and satisfied his primal animalistic hunger.

She could not move.

After what felt like hours, they threw her in the open space, which ironically was the temple.

She crawled towards the black statue, leaving blood marks all over the place. With angry tears streaming down her face, she leaned on the idol's legs and took hold of the red dupatta placed in front of Maa Kaali.

She could hear the loud laughter coming from the living room and the monsters discussing about pulling each and every woman in that house for satisfying their hunger.

Kaali Ma's eyes turned bright red, and big droplets of blood fell on her.

The speed of the wind started getting more fierce, indicating destruction.

SHE : The creator and the destroyerWhere stories live. Discover now