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She was the best outgoing student. The best orator. The topper in her school.

Before she could enrol herself for her higher education, she became the next target of the so called society.

Coming from a lower middle class family, she did not have much freedom to enjoy her life.

Being the only daughter to her parents, she was reprimanded if she even spoke anything against her father.

They worried more about what the society would think, failing to understand their daughter's pain.

She pleaded, fought, cursed, emotionally blackmailed, but, she failed.

She was just a teenager, an 18 year old girl with dreams in her eyes.

Unfortunately, heeding to the advice of their relatives and not to their daughter, they got her married to a man elder to her by 13 years.

Her marriage was the last straw. After that day, she refused to speak with anyone from her maternal family.

The groom, in the beginning, like a good man, accepted her wish of taking some time to understand each other and then proceed with their married life.

Even though she was aloof, she tried.

She sincerely tried to fit in with his family.

After 2 months of marriage, she got to know about the betrayal.

Her parents had hid the fact that her husband was a drunkard. Her husband was none other than her neighbour's close relative.

When her cousin brother had tried to stop them from getting her married to that drunkard, her parents had threatened everyone that no one should inform their daughter about this tiny so called insignificant detail and have hope that he will change after marriage.

When she got to know this, her heart shattered and the last one percent hope too died.

She vowed to herself that she would never ever see her parents.

Slowly, her so called husband started showing his true colours. He started coming home drunk, molesting her at every given chance.

He was a school drop out and he had no permanent job.

Slowly, she started noticing her surroundings and realized that her parents had pushed her towards the first groom, may be, they wanted to get rid of her, sighting her to be just a duty.

Every night, the pillow would become wet with her tears of agony, pain, betrayal, fear.

She feared going in front of him.

Then came the day, when everyone was supposed to celebrate the beginning of a new year.

On new year's eve, she was sitting in front of her house, listening silently to her neighbours who were chatting happily and getting things ready to cut the cake at midnight, to celebrate the end of the first decade of the 21st century and the beginning of a new decade.

Everyone complemented her glowing beauty. They compared her with a firefly and praised her enchanting appearance. Perhaps, they failed to realize that a firefly always glows brightly at the end of it's lifetime.

One hour before midnight, he came home drunk, accompanied by his so called friends.

When she tried to take him inside their house, he pushed her in front of their relatives and started creating a scene.

SHE : The creator and the destroyerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ