Chapter 6

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The night had already begun as a restless one for not only me, but for all of us. The recent events played through my mind carefully keeping me from any sleep that sung to me. My mind had always been a wanderer before sleep, so I wasn't at all phased. I had learned to adapt to the nightly routine of mine. But tonight, as I found myself on my back staring endlessly at the ceiling, my mind pledged with everything that happened today. Sleep surprisingly snuck up on me.

The sound of people talking had woken me up with a jerk. My tired eyes shooting open as I sat up immediate alerted. Quickly grabbing my gun from underneath my pillow; I didn't hesitate to aim at the door. I moved the covers and got up with my gun still aimed. The voices went silent before a door opened and shut next to the room. I got to the window and peaked out the smallest gap that curtain didn't cover. I found myself staring straight at a wall. I slowed my breathing, feeling my racing heart still beat within my ears slightly. It went silent, no movement was made. I heard one of the girls shifting in bed behind me. I sighed softly moving back from the window. I knew I was being paranoid, but I was swimming in the waters to care. I slowly headed back over to the bed and sat down. I ran my hand through my dark hair and sighed once again.


"Their system has been destroyed." I informed, side glancing over to the girls who stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"What do you mean destroyed?" Allison asked with a frown. The same confusion was written on both their faces.

"Meaning that every file is destroyed. Our files aren't even there, neither are every other red room project before us." I told them turning to look at them fully. I leaned back in my chair taking in my words. Upon not being able to sleep last night due to the paranoia, I spent my time doing work. 

"Did you even figure out who attacked?" CJ asked running a hand through her hair. I watched her answering the question.

"A government agency called, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division but Shield for short." I turned back to my computer screen that was cluttered with classified files.

"They must have transferred all the files on to a flash drive and then deleted it." Allison peeped up. She took a seat on the end of the bed. "Or the red room could've deleted it to cover their asses."

I snorted at her. "Doubt it. Too much information and work was done to be wasted like that." I told her with a scoff. "They wouldn't have deleted it all without backing everything up on a hard drive or sending it to another computer." I finished. I frowned and bit my bottom lip thinking of ways to get the information back. But it was all, within a difficulty.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked looking the younger girl who now paced the hotel room.

"Sophia find out more about Shield and look at everything they have on Red room. Allison, you watch the window." CJ said and I nodded.

"Wait, what are you going to be doing?" Allison asked as CJ grabbed her hand gun and hoodie.

"I'm gonna walk the perimeter" CJ said before exiting the room. I got to work hacking into Shield which was surprisingly easy considering it was a government agency. I went through files that was classified and learnt a lot of information. Shield has this group of heroes working with them listed under the name of 'Avengers'. I clicked on the file and it brought up multiples. Tony Stark's file was there. Bruce banner, who I was a big fan of was there. Thor, who was a... Asgardian God of thunder was in that hero group. How Shield recruited a God was something I wanted to know? Steve Rodgers was there. Natasha Romanoff was there. An last was Clint Barton.

I stared at the computer screen in shock

"Holy shit"

Third Person

"Can somebody tell me why there has been a breach in our files?" An angry voice asked as the owner of the voice stormed into a large room filled with computers and people. There was a large window to the right of the man. He was a black man dressed in black, a long black leather trench coat with a eyepatch covering his right eye.

"Sir, I've been trying to shut them out but they're better then any hacker I've ever came across" An agent said sitting at a desk. The man looked down at the agent glaring with his one eye.

"I don't pay you to try, I pay you to get stuff done." He snapped making the agent look down.

"Director Fury, they are in our classified files" a female agent with her hair in a bun said. The said man rushes over to the computer that was shifting through files. Director Fury pulls out a flash drive and plugs it into the side of the computer. He bents down and types in a code and presses enter. The files instantly stop making it clear that the hacker had been locked out. Director Fury sighed in relief before watching as the computer screen went black.

"Sir, my computer is down" A agent said

"Mine as well" another agent said.

Don't mess with me Director Fury cause you wouldn't like what I can do.

Went across all computer screens. The room went quiet and looks were exchanged. The female agent nudged him gaining his attention. She gestures to the blinking red dot on the top of the computer screen. Director Fury stood up straighter.

"You are hacking into a government aircraft. I advise you to stop immediately or there will be consequences" Director Fury said out loud with a stern tone.

You mean send your little superhero group for me?

"Who are you? And why are you hacking into my ship?" Director Fury asked and reached over and grabbed a yellow note pad. He wrote on it and passed it to the female agent beside him. She read it and nodded before leaving.

It's nothing personal, eyepaych. Unless you make it personal.

"This is your last warning. Stop what you are doing now and you won't be in hand cuffs" Director Fury said as calmly as he can.

Hmmm. Didn't take you to be a hand cuff guy, then again you do look like you could use a nap. So why don't you go back to that big office of yours and take a nap.

"You've been warned. I will find you and put you behind bars and maybe then I'll take my nap." Director Fury said

Don't worry about me, Director Fury. I'm the lease of your problems.

With that the computer screens restarted and started working just find. Director Fury watched as Agents got back to work though still in shock at what just happened. Fury had to admit, the hacker had some impressive hacking skills.

"I want someone to find that hacker, now" Director Fury ordered

"Yes sir" Agents replied as the female agent walked back up.

"I got in for only a second before they kicked me out and trust me they were fast to see I was in." She said

"What were they after?" Director Fury asked looking down at the female agent

"Files on the red room, Hydra and Agent Barton"

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