Chapter 1

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I sat on the cold dirty cement floor of the freezing dark cell that I was being held in. My senses were on high alert, has been since I had awoken on the floor. I was seated on the ground with my back against the wall staring at the door. The white noise in my ears irritated me to no end. There was occasionally a drop of water hitting the small puddle in the corner. The sounds were driving me up the walls.

I didn't like it. I wanted out. But I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction in seeing me vulnerable. They would love that, take advantage of it even. So, I waited, waited for them to come. They always do.

The sound of the rusted hinges on the heavy door squeaking as it was pulled opened had me tensing. The light blinded me leaving me squinting at the silhouette of him. 

"The mistress wants to see you, SA25." He spoke in a rough voice. I didn't miss the teasing tone in it. "Get up and hold out your hands. We wouldn't wanna kept her waiting, now would me."

I blinked at him showing him no emotion. I chose not to show how bad I wanted to kill him, to snap his neck in less than two seconds. He knew who I was. He knew how deadly I was. Yet he still had the nerve to taunt me, mock me, and tease me. Deep down from what I observed, he was scared of me. As he should be.

Wordlessly, I stood from my spot against the wall and took three steps. I stopped in front of him and held out my hands. He cuffed my wrists before grabbing my arm in a bruising grip and yanking me to follow him.

The walk down the stone hallway to the Madame's office was a silent tensed one. I kept my eyes peeled for anything that would come my way with the intention to harm. I glanced over at the guard who forcefully pulled at my arm. He was Luther, a 47-year-old male with a stubble and a mole on his right cheek. Luther was a 6'7 buff guy and could easily overpower anyone in a fight. He uses his muscles and height as a way to intimidate a lot. But he had weak spots, as the bigger ones always do.

We turned down the familiar corner, my eyes immediately locking onto the red door. I had seen the door for what seemed about a thousand times. Each time I came out with either a mission or a punishment. My punishment had already been delivered so it had to be another mission.

We came to a rough stop and Luther took my cuffs off. He opens the door and shoves me inside slamming the door shut behind me. I didn't think about the harsh shove, instead I observed the women in front on me.

Madame B.

She was a nasty women, a powerful one at that. She was a head member of the red room along side another who has never been revealed to me. Her red hair was pulled into a slick back bun. She was wearing one of her usual dresses that stopped at her knees. This one was orange with red lines going down the sides of the dress. A smile was painted on her red lips, promising twisted things to those who crosses her.

"SA25, I got an assignment for you." She spoke in a sickening sweet tone. She throws a file at me. It landed on her desk and slid to a stop in front of me. I stare at it for a moment blinking.

"This assignment needing to be dealt with?" I questioned opening the file. The name made me pause. Natasha Romanoff, a black widow. She was well known throughout the red room. The black widow who turned rogue. There were many stories; rumors, about her and why she turned on the red room. I stare at the picture and spoke again. "You want me to kill one of us?"


My head swung to the side with a stinging pain in my left cheek. The slap echoed the room as a fire feeling spread throughout my chest. I slowly turned to face her once again. This time with burning anger. The assassin part of me wanted me to grab the pen that laid on the desk and stab her in the eyeballs before leaving her to die slowly with that very pen sticking out of her neck.

"That Traitor isn't one of us anymore. She is to be dealt with immediately." Madame B hissed. I stared at her with a blank stare before looking at the file once again scanning over the details. "If you cannot do this SA25, I can send someone else to do the job. But keep in mind, you will be sent back to the cell and the bow you cherish so much will be burned."

My eyes snapped back to her. I narrowed them at her threat. I knew I truly couldn't do anything against her. Not yet at least. I didn't even want to push my limits when it involves my bow, it's all I have that's a reminder of my father.

"When will I leave?"

"Tonight. You leave in 10 minutes."


As soon as the Helicopter landed, I grabbed my bow and got off

"You have fifteen minutes." Luther yelled over the loud wind. I departed from them and headed inside. I quietly opened the door and was surprised to see bodies on the ground. I walked inside quietly while looking around and staying low. I bent down next to a body and checked a pulse and found none. I still felt his warmth, telling me he hadn't been dead for long. I frowned down at the body. I saw a Hydra patch on his arm.

I was in a Hydra base. I wiped my mind of any thoughts. I continued to sneak through the building. I was walking down a hall and froze dead in my tracks when I heard faint voices. I tensed, my heart spiking from its original pace. I began listening. The voices were getting fainter meaning they was walking away from my position.

I quietly and quickly went down to the end of the hall. I peaked out and saw two adults at a closed door.

One male, one female.

I placed my back against the wall and readied my bow before looking around the wall lifting my bow aiming at my target. My eyes drifted to the other person for a quick second. My felt my arms go weak and my knees turn to jelly. I swollowed hard as I saw someone that I thought I'd never see again. It took everything in me to not give away my position.

It was my father, Clint Barton.

I lowered my bow still shocked. I blinked and I quickly pulled myself together. I had to let him know I was alive. I took the tip of my arrow and sliced my finger drawing some blood. I ran my bloody finger on the end before quickly aiming. I let the arrow fly and it hit its target. They both turned around when my arrow hit the wall and so did I. I ran down the hall and jumped out the window where the guards were waiting for me by the helicopter.

"Is the job done?" Bobby asked glaring down at me. I remand emotionless as I spoke.

"It's done, let's go."


Natasha and I were walking through the last HYDRA door when an arrow came flying past us and hit the wall between us. We both turned around and I caught a glimpse of hair. Nat and I ran after the person and when we got to the window, a helicopter was taking off.

"Great." Nat huffed as we both watched it get further away.

"We need to search this place and see what they got."


"It doesn't look like they took anything. I've searched the entire place, nothing suspicious was found or taken." Nat tells me as she walks up to me.

"Then what were they doing here?" I asked frowning down at the computers. "You think it was possible for it to be a hydra agent that saw us and left?" I looked over at her. She shrugged

"Could've. But they had the shot to kill one of us. Why waste it?" She questioned with an uncertain frown. I shook my head wondering the same thing. I then looked at the arrow that was still in the wall.

"Maybe we can get Tony to do a fingerprint trace when we get back. If we're lucky, we might find this guy and have answers." I said pulling the arrow out of the wall only to feel something wet. I opened my palm with the arrow laying on it.

"Is that blood?" Natasha asked and I nodded.

"They were injured. Let's get this to Tony."

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