Chapter 4

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The sound of birds chirping was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I opened my eyes seeing the sky lighting up due to the rising sun. Memories of last night came rushing back. I sat up feeling soreness and tension in my back. I got up on my feet observing the wooded area. After finding nothing out of the ordinary, I turned back around looking down at Allison and Sophia. I raised an eyebrow at the position they were in. Allison was laying on her back, Sophia was cuddled up to her side with her leg thrown over Allisons, her arm was thrown over her midsection and her head was on her shoulder. I nudged Allison's hip with my foot.

"Get up, we have to go." I spoke in a loud tone. She opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. I watch as she frowns and turns her head. She stares at Sophia for a moment before the realization hit her. Her eyes widen.

"Get off me!" Allison shoves Sophia harshly. Sophia woke up at the shove, sitting up wiping her mouth. I turned leaving the two alone knowing they was going to start arguing. I headed over to the two duffel bags that sat on the ground. I crotched in front of one and opened one. I pulled out a .45 pistol. "Ew! You drooled on my shoulder." 

"Sorry." Sophia apologizes now sitting crisscross. I released the magazine clip into my hand. I looked at the heavy clip seeing it full and ready to use. 

"I got to pee." Allison mumbled standing up and walking towards the woods. I slide the clip back inside and flipped on the safely switch.

"Where should we go?" Sophia asked coming up beside me as I placed the gun in the back on my jeans, getting ready for the long day ahead of us.

"New York." I told her. She looks in the other duffel bag and pulls out a laptop. She turns it over pulling out her knife and popping the back off. A scream echos the woods causing my body to tense. My instincts take over and I clutched my bow. 


I stood up looking off to where she had wondered off to go pee. Allison appeared from behind a tree swinging her hands in front of her face. I frowned watching her come out of the woods in a hurry. "Fucking spider."

"You're scared of the Itsy-bitsy spider." I snorted the feeling of amusement had spread throughout my chest. She gave me a mean glare but didn't comment after she sat down beside me. I turn my attention back to Sophia who held up a small device, a tracker. She hums tossing it away. 

"That's our sign to leave soon." Sophia hummed putting the back piece back on the computer. She turns it back up right and turns it on. She begins to type endlessly on the computer as I pulled my bow into view so I could check it. I made sure the string was good and not too tight. As I did, Allison was checking her weapon as well. "Alright, if we head east, we'll be in the city. There, we can catch the two O'clock train to New York." 

I looked passed my bow and stared at a random tree in thought. I knew the red room would be after us, sooner or later. We had already gotten ahead of them, but I knew they would have more of a gain with the technology they had along with the resources. If we were going to stay ahead of the red room, we had to work smart and fast without any problems.

"Wait, why are we going to the big apple?" Asked Allison. I sighed breaking the contact with the tree. I looked back down at my bow.

"Because with more people we can blend in, nobody will cause a scene in the middle of a large crowd." I explained finally looking at her. A frown planted itself on her face.

"Besides a sniper of course." Sophia commented. My eyes shifted over to her. I gave her a deadpan look. She shrugged and went back to typing.

"What time is it?"

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