Chapter 2

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I stared out the window of the helicopter watching as the world flew by below. My mind was occupied with thoughts about my dad. Wondering if he ever moved on, or even remarried and had more kids. A ping of hurt hit my heart just thinking of him moving on from my mother. Apart of me was glad if he did.

My mind began wondering to more important thoughts. Like why was he in a Hydra base with dead Hydra agents? Why was he with my target? Was he helping her? Did they work together? I felt my head start hurting from all the unanswered questions.

"We're here." The pilot announced. I blinked pulling myself out of my thoughts as the helicopter sat down on the helipad. I unbuckled myself and took off the headphones. The door was slid open by a guard that had sat in front of me. I got out feeling the strong wind from the spinning blades on the helicopter. The loose strands of hair that had fallen out of my French braids whipped around harshly. I heard the helicopter engine shut off but pay no mind to it.

My black combat boots created a clap on the concrete floor with each step. I looked ahead of me keeping my head high. I made my way inside the base knowing what was to come soon. I mentally and physically prepared myself for it. I turned a corner and halted my steps. The bold man standing in my way caused me to do so. He was a man in his late fifties. No very strong but certainly not weak.

Turtleneck was his nickname. Henry was his actual name. The nickname came from him always wearing turtlenecks. No matter the place or time, he was wearing them. "Madam B, will like to have a word SA25."

I gave him a nod and walked pass him heading to her office. I didn't miss the way he was smirking. The smirk I knew a long time. Turtleneck might look like someone who will be caught feeding ducks in a local park. But he was as sadistic as Madame B was. He would play a huge part with the tortures, it's where he finds his pleasure, his high.

I placed my hand on the knob bottling all my thoughts and emotions up tight and shoving it down within me. I twisted the knob and pushed it open straight away making eye contact with Madame B. A wide grin promising nothing good was plastered all over her face instantly.

"SA25, you have failed your mission."


I inhaled deeply through my nose as my senses awaken. I lifted my head that had been hanging down since I had fainted. My neck ached causing a low groan to escape my dry lips. I opened my eyes seeing everything was blurry. My eyes fluttered, my body wore out and hurting. My hands still tied behind me to the chair I was restrained too. My body was in pain from my punishment. I knew they was going to come back to complete my punishment. I observed the familiar dirty concrete walls wondering what my life would've been like if certain events didn't happen. Would I have went to school, made friends. I would've probably been just a normal teenager; my mom would've still been alive. I would've still had a family and probably a brother and sisters.

I felt my eyes sting and water over. I blink rapidly while mentally scoffing at myself for even having watery eyes. I knew better than to show emotions in this god forsaken place. I eyed the tray full of the tools they used, with the electricity machine that was to the right of me. 

I blinked hard while feeling myself start to faint again. I lost all energy and started seeing black dots. My eyes forcefully closed, causing everything to go black.




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