Chapter 47

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"Growing up with dad wasn't all bad. I enjoyed the time we spent together..........well, when we could spend time together. I vaguely remember anything from the 60's. Well, that has to deal with dad and his mates."

"What do you remember?"

"As I said, not a whole lot. I would occasionally see dad when he wasn't on tour. I do wish I spent more time with him but we can't change the past. We can always change the future. At least, that's what dad said recently. Try to change the future. That's what we need to do."

"But how?"

"We go down the right paths in life. Its easy if you don't fall into temptation. Listen to yer conscience. Think you can do that?"

"I don't know what a conscience is."

"Just think of it as being an alarm in yer head. If something that isn't right is nagging at you, that alarm will go off. It will teach you what's right and wrong."


"Yeh. Its a good thing to have a conscience. Listen to it and you won't do anything wrong."

"Dad always shows me what I can't do."

"Not 'can't'. Won't. You won't go the wrong way in life if you follow that little voice in yer head."


The sun went down and John had woke up from his nap but he was still lying on the couch. He was still tired but couldn't get back to sleep.

He heard Julian and Sean talking in one of the bedrooms. He didn't care what they were up to.

Sean came running in and ran up to John.

"Hi dad."

"Ey kid. Seems like you boys are enjoying yerselves."

Julian came in behind Sean.

"If ye say so. Have a nice nap?"

"Not really. But, what do you know anyway?"

"A lot."

"What were you two doing while I was 'preoccupied'?"

"I was teaching him to play one of yer songs. He's sort of getting it. Since he's only 5, he'll need a little longer practicing than I do."

"Dad, can Julian stay?"

"He's staying for three weeks."

"I want him longer. Can he live here?"

"Sorry kid. He has to go home to his muther. He still has a while before he's 18. Once he's old enough, he can make his own decisions."

"But I want him here."

"I know. So do I. In four months, we'll see what he does. Right Jules?"

"That's right. I still have four months to think of whether I want to or not. But......if I did, I wouldn't want me to break up yer marriage because Yoko hates me. It'll happen and I know it."

"Sounds like you made yer own decision already."

"Maybe. I would move in here with you but I have two reasons why I shouldn't. 1: I don't want to leave my mum and 2: I don't want to get Yoko mad at me or you for approving it."

"Yer a good kid. Plus, yer muther needs you more than I do."

"But I need my dad too. I don't want to lose you again."

John sighed. Then, he sat up.

"You won't. Not as long as I can help it."

Julian sat on the couch, next to John.

"I can't help what I think. You know that right?" Julian said.

"Course I do. Everything's going to be fine. I know it."

"No you don't."

"Don't do this Jules. Not now. I'm tired of talking about it."

"Sometimes, you need to talk about it to someone."

"Its not going to be you. I'm done talking about this."

"Okay. I think you broke."

"I didn't break."

"Yes you did."

"Jules..............what did I just say?"

"You said nothing about me saying you broke."

"I didn't break!"

"No need to yell."

"Then don't annoy me. I didn't break, nor will I break. I'm fine!"

"Yer yelling again."

"Okay. Fine. Just drop the subject."

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