Chapter 4

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(Your Pov)
"Bakatsuki!Were you thinking of that panda again?!"Yelled Anya."Gomene Anya-kun...."Akatsuki said."Oh Jesus...and who the hell gave it Afro hair?!"Anya said.He looked at Aikawa and said"Was it you?!"He yelled.Aikawa went beside me.Not giving care in the world that he's yelling at him."Daijobu mama,papa.I know that nobody will fall in love ith me"Murasaki said.She started to pull out her Afro hair in the corner of the room.Inaba,Me and Akatsuki comforted her.Murasaki sniffled and looked at Aikawa.She blushed and hidded her face.
Location:Outside Genome Tower (House)
"He loves me,He loves me not"Said Murasaki while pulling out her hair."papa I think me is sick"She said."Eh?!"Exclaimed Akatsuki."Oka-san,Nee-san!"(Yes you're Murasaki's sister...Just roll with it ok?) Exclaimed Akatsuki."Hai?"Said Inaba or Oka-san."Murasaki said she doesn't feel good"He said."Oh dear..."Inaba replied.Then Aikawa went inside the room.Murasaki freaked out saying."My heart hurts, My heart hurts so baaaddd!!!"She exclaimed making the three of us run to her."Help!!Someone call the hospital!!!No the Vet!!!!"Akatsuki yelled.

Few minutes later
"So that's what it is...."Akatsuki said."Murasaki has developed a crush on Aikawa..."He added."What should we do?"Asked Inaba."Ugh...can't believe we raised a hairy beast...Let's just finish this trashy game...."Kudou said making Inaba triggered."Trashy game?..."she said."You're calling this a trashy game?..."she said a little bloodlust coming out from her while holding her flash grenades."Why would you abandoned your own child when you are her second father...This game is not just a trashy game Anya-kun".she said making Anya flinch."O-oi!Don't you dare pull the trigger dumbass!"."(Name)-san close your eyes..."She said and you obeyed. You were about to cover your eyes when someone already did,it was Aikawa pulling you against his chest and covering his eyes too with one hand.Then Himiko pulled the trigger making Kudou yell in pain.The boys were sleeping at the barn while you guys sleep on the house.You woke up in the middle of the night cause from outside.It was 1:30 in the morning and decided to check out what was the cause of the sound.You went outside of your room to see Murasaki awake."Murasaki?"you said making Murasaki gasped and turn to look at you."Nee-chan?".She responded."Why are you awake at this hour?"I questioned her."I...I couldn't sleep..."She said."I see..."You mumbled."Are you hungry?"I asked her.She nodded and you smile."I'll make you food go take a seat".I said and she obeyed.After a few minutes the food was done.You called for Murasaki and prepared her food.She started to dig in."Oishii~~"She said.You chuckled at this.A few seconds she was finished.I picked up her plate and started to wash it after that i told her to sit on the couch with me.I told her that I'll make her fall asleep by telling her a story.I sat down and she layed on my lap.I started to tell her a story it was called (Story name).After a few minutes the story ended I looked at her and she still wasn't asleep."You're still not sleepy?"You asked.She shooked her head.You laughed a little."Okay then...I'll tell you another story and I'll sing you a song ok?"You told her.She nodded.(Play the song when I tell you to okay?)."I'll tell you about my little sister at home does that sound good?"I questioned her."You have a sister Nee-chan?"She asked."Oh~yes I do,You remind me of her Murasaki..."I said."Really?"."Mhm"."What was she like?"."Well....she was like an angel when you meet her.She was strong,She was confident,She was unique too...She was the best sister that i could ask for..."."Wow Nee-chan...I really don't think that I'm like her...I mean...I'm not strong,confident or unique...."."But you are you just don't know"."What do you mean by that Nee-chan?"."Murasaki you are strong you just don't know it,You're confident you just don't feel it and you're unique because of your looks"."I am?"."Mhm"."Where is your sister now Nee-chan?".I went silent after she asked that question..."Nee-chan?"."Ah...well...she's in a better place now..."."A better place?".Yes she's in a better place now.."."What does it look like?".Well...I haven't been there yet but I'm sure that place is wonderful"."Can I go there soon?"."Not yet Murasaki...Not yet...".Then when can I go there?"
"I'm not sure Murasaki...but you're not ready to go there.."."Aw...ok"."Can you sing me a song now?"."Only if you promise to sleep"."I will!".I chucked at this and said."Alright,Alright I'll sing"I close my eyes and started to sing
(Play the song now)
When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold~

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale~

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's no way we can hide

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get to close it's dark inside

It's where my demons hide~
It's where my demons hide~

I open my eyes to see Murasaki asleep.
Then I heard clapping noises.I looked up to see Inaba clapping and walking towards me"I-inaba-san!"I exclaimed."W-why are you still awake?"I asked."I woke up with no Murasaki with me and then I heard talking and here I am"She said."You have a lovely voice (Name)-chan,Why didn't you tell us that you can actually speak?"She asked."I...I didn't want anyone to know that's all..."I responded."How much did you hear?"."Everything..."."I'm sorry about your sister (Name)...I know what it feels like to lose someone you love..."."Do you wanna talk about it?"."Sure a little talk wouldn't hurt..".We started to talk about my past.Everytime I feel like crying she comforted me,It was nice to finally meet someone who understands me."Thank you Inaba-san...."."Call me Himiko! We're friends now!".'Friends?...I have a friend now..that's nice...'."Okay Himiko-chan,Thank you again"."It's no biggie (Name)-chan!"."Please don't let anyone know that I can talk okay?Only you,Paca and Murasaki can only know that I can talk"."Hai!Don't worry I won't tell anyone not even one single bit!".I smiled at this I finally have a friend now...Himiko yawned and I saw her drift to sleep and collapsed on my shoulder.I smiled and laughed a little then I also felt myself drift to sleep too.

✞︎𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛✞︎ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now