Chapter 11

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/Timeskip brought to you by Makimaki sleeping!
Location:Genome Tower Lounge

Your Pov

"Looks like the poison is working"Himiko said."What happened to those two?"Asked Karin.She pointed to Yuzu who was hugging Iride from behind."And those two too"She pointed at us.Aikawa was clinging in my hand while I was a blushing mess.Himiko giggled at this.

Location:Genome Tower (Cafeteria)

Akatsuki was walking towards Anya.
"What's wrong with them?"Asked Karin.I shrugged my shoulders."Anya-kun...can I uh...sit next to you?"Iride said awkwardly."I do"He replied.Anya was wearing his helmet and a purple aura surrounding him"I'll eat you bell peppers!"Iride said."I don't need you to!I'll just throw them away".Anya said."Wasting food is bad...."Himiko said sneaking up to Anya's back while holding her grenades."Wasting food is bad..."She repeated tapping her grenades into Anya's shoulders."O-Oi!don't tap those on my shoulders!!"He yelled."Those peppers we're grown by farmers"She said still tapping her grenades into Anya's shoulders."It's like they entrusted us with their babies..."She added."You can't waste food Anya-kun..."Anya slammed his chopsticks into the table."Babies don't get shipped off right after they're born!!"Yelled Anya."Anya-kun..."Iride mumbled."What the heck did you do?"Karin asked him."Has anyone seen Kai and Zakkun?"Asked Yuzu."Nope"Karin said."No I haven't"Said Himiko.Aikawa shooked her head."What about you (Name),Have you seen them?" "Nope I haven't why?"I said.Everyone went silent.I looked at them confused."Is something wro-Oh shit..."I realised what I said.There was an awkward silence in the room.Himiko broker it."U-um..."She started."Since when did you started to talk?"Asked Karin."I uh...."I said.I didn't know what to say."Well I'm not really mute..."I said."Why didn't you tell us?"Asked Iride."I just didn't want anyone to know that's all..."I said."Are you gonna tell Oshigiri and Onigasaki soon?"Asked Iride."I guess..."I said.

You guys we're walking to a traditional Japanese festival.Paca-san was wearing a yukata.
"This atmosphere is different from the ones before"Said Himiko."Hi-himiko-chan are you scared?Are you alright??"Karin said."Um,no..."Himiko declined."If you're scared let's hold hands!"She said."Karin-san everything's fine it's not like a monster is gonna po-"You we're cutted by someone who gave you a heart attack"Holy shit!"You yelled.You ran to Karin and held onto her."Hey I want to join too!"Yuzu said."Me too!"Iride said.Makino joined too.You guys ended up with an awkward position.Karin was in the middle,You we're holding her left hand,Makino holding onto yours,Himiko on the right,Yuzu holding Himiko's hand and Iride holding Himiko's hand."Oi Don't spread like that you're blocking the way!!"Yelled Anya."Since when did Kaguya-san know how to talk?"Zakuro said."She isn't really mute...She just doesn't want anyone to know that's all"Iride said."I see..."Onigasaki said.

"The fifth stage is,'Ogre Elimination'."Paca said.
"Ogre?"You questioned.

✞︎𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛✞︎ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now