Birthday Special 🥳🎉

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A chapter for bby Aikawa❤️

Location:Genome Tower (Cafeteria)

It was daily morning day at Genome Tower nothing special.Wait....

Oh f**k it's his birthday!

"Morning everyone"I said as i went to the cafeteria."Morning!"replied the others back.I noticed that everyone was there except for Makino.

"Hey,where's Makino?"I asked.They shrugged."Maybe he's at his room"Said Zakuro.I nodded and went to his room.Once i was there I knocked.

"Maki?"I said.

No response.

"Maki?"I said again.

No response.

I got impatient and went inside.

"Maki!"I exclaimed.

I looked at his bed and found him sleeping.

'Seriously?'I thought before sighing.

I went towards him and shook him.

"Maki wake up"I said.

He groaned before facing me.

"Wake up"I said.

He looked at me before pulling me.I was now next to him.His hands were wrapped around my waist while his face was buried at my hair.

"Maki seriously?"I said."It's your birthday and you just wanna sleep?"I asked.He just hummed before going back to sleep while i sighed."Fine..."I pouted.I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

And there you guys just spent your time sleeping at his birthday while the others were gigling watching you guys sleep...Well...more like just Yuzu cackling and taking pictures while the others just sweat dropped at her.

✞︎𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛✞︎ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now