Chapter 2

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Neal's P.O.V.

       I make my way up to the doors of the school. When I enter all the girls stop what they are doing and give me looks of lust while the guys smile or give me death glares. People think it's so awesome being popular, it's really not. It's kind of a hassle. You have to be able to live up to your expectations and it's such a drag sometimes. I like to think of it as being a superhero. Either people are your fans, or your enemies. It's kind of cool, living a real life comic book, but some days I just want to hang up the superman cape and be with my girl. Soon enough that will happen.
       I finally get pass everyone I really don't care about and find my friends. Even though I'm super popular and would have a lot of friends, I like to hang out with my closest three friends, Chad, Kevin, and James. When people first see us, we look as though we could be a gang. We have dark punk clothing, muscular, and just a scary, yet cool and attractive appearance. We aren't a gang. It's just our style.
       They were all standing in the corner looking creepy just waiting for me. They know better than to come right up to me when I first get to school because of how many people they have to get through to get to me. They know it makes it more complected for everyone. Every time I have to get to them they just laugh at me, reasonably so. I do look a little stupid trying to get away from everyone.
       "Man, people are going to start coming into this school thinking you're a rock star or something." Chad almost couldn't get out from laughing so much.
       "Well can you blame them? Look at me." I joked gesturing to myself.
       "You need like a bodyguard or something." Kevin came up with the idea.
       "How awesome would that be if you had a bodyguard coming with you to school everyday? That would be sick!" James excitedly said.
       "As amazing as that would be," I started. "I don't need a bodyguard."
       We continued to talk for about ten minutes, considering the warning bell won't ring for another five minutes. Then she came in looking as beautiful as she always does; unfortunately, her dumb ass brother, Dylan, accompanied her. Joana just walked pass us to her locker like we weren't right there. Like wasn't there. It somewhat hurt, but at some point she won't be able to ignore me. She walks over to her locker that is only a few feet away from where we are talking (no coincidence). She talks to Dylan for a little while until he leaves her alone. Finally, I think to myself.   
       "Neal, you okay?" Chad asked me snapping in my face. I guess they noticed I wasn't in it. 
       "Yeah, I'm fine."
       "Dude, are you thinking about that girl again?" he asked, knowing I was thinking about my girl.
       "Yeah, I'm just gonna talk to Joana." I said casually. 
       "Is that really a good idea? She might start to think that you are a stalker if you keep following her like the way you do in school." Yeah, another thing, my friends don't know about my "protection" over Joana.
       "Don't worry, I'm just gonna talk to her until the bell rings in..." I look at my phone. "Three minutes. Plus, she can't reject this" I say gesturing to myself. "for much longer." They all make jokes.
       "Good luck then."
       "Don't need it." I parted. 
       I leave my friends to go up to Joana, who is just putting things into her over the shoulder bag from her locker. God, she is beautiful. 
       I act cool and close her locker door as she puts another object in her bag. She jumps a little unaware I had just closed her locker. She looks at my hand and at me. She gives me a death glare that kills me on the inside.
       "What do you want?" she asked in an angelic voice.
       "Hi Neal. How are you?" I start acting out a little conversation seeing if it will make her laugh. "I'm good Joana, how about you?" I wait for her to say something, but nothing. "Am I not allowed to talk to my favorite girl in the world?"
       "I don't know how many times I have to say it to get through your thick head, but I'm not your girl."
       "Come on, I'm not that bad once you get to know me."
       "I don't want to get to know you. I know all I need to know. You are irresponsible for anyone but yourself. You like to lead people on. And you're one of that guys who ‘hit it and quits it.' Please, tell me if I missed anything." Wow, she knows how to hurt a guy. One of the many reasons I love her.
       "You missed the part about me being hopelessly devoted to you, Joana." I say truthfully trying to take her hand, but she just pulls away. 
       "Oh please. You can't be hopelessly devoted to someone you don't know. What exactly is it that you know about me?" Only every single detail about your entire existence. But maybe right now, it's probably best not to answer. I just keep quiet instead. "That's what I thought."
       The warning bell rang on its cliché and she begins to walk away from me. No "goodbye" or "see you later" or anything. Just leaves.
       I quickly caught up to her and wrapped by arms around Joana's waist. She jumps a little and tries to get out of my grip. "I know that you love me, you just don't know it yet."
       "Let go! I'm going to be late."
       "Soon, very soon, you will know how much I love you and have no choice but to love me back."
       "Let go, you creep!" Without warning, she stepped on my foot bringing so much agony to it. I release her and she quickens her pace to her first class. I decided to go to my first class of the day, just down the hall from Joana's class. 
        Chad and James are in my first period and start their way to me. They give me little pats one the back as I release my foot. "So," James started. "apparently, she can reject this more a while longer." He mocked.   
       She will be mine, she will love me. By the end of the week, there will be nothing stopping us from being together.
       Joana, I think to myself. You have no idea what is coming your way.

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