Chapter 3

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Joana's P.O.V.
        Oh my god! How do people stand him? I don't understand it. He is a complete jackass. I hate him. Why do people like someone who is all into themselves? Doesn't the act get old after a while? I can only take so much of the "Rebel with a Cause" personality. 
        Do you know what's worse? He hasn't stopped hitting on me for like the past year. He is always coming up to me saying stupid things like "We are meant for each other." or "It hurts when you don't say you love me back." or "Come on baby, I know that you love me the way I love you." Are you kidding me? How can I love him? Being within ten feet of him makes me sick to my stomach. At first, I thought it was a dare. I mean a guy like that doesn't talk to a girl like me. I have like, five friends; he has a lot. I'm a total nerd; he is a punk, but super popular. I'm a sophomore; he's a senior. Honestly, there are some many other girls who are prettier, maybe smarter, more talented, and willing to throw themselves at a guy like Neal. Why waste his time on me? 


        It all started when I was a freshman. I was sitting at lunch in the courtyard waiting for my best friend, Clara, to return from the bathroom. I was sitting at the table doing some homework that I was assigned that day. More I do now, less I have to do at home. It was nice doing it outside. It was mid October so it was warm enough to wear shorts, but cold enough to wear a long sleeve shirt. I was listening to "This is Gospel " by Panic! At The Disco while doing my geometry homework.
        All of a sudden, my left ear bud is yanked out of my ear. Well, maybe not yanked, but either way, it was taken out rudely. I look up to see a smiling face at me. I have seen this kid around school before, but we have never met. I just couldn't put a name to his face. Not that I really cared though. 
        "Hi." He said as though he were trying to start a conversation. One that I was going to end.
        "Hi." I say back with a tone in my voice that shows I don't want to talk to him.
        He doesn't leave though. He takes a seat right next to me. I give him a death glare and he continues to smile at me. "Can I have my ear bud back please?" I ask trying to be sweet to him.
        Instead of giving it back, he puts it in his ear and begins to listen. I hate him even more. He bops his head to the song and sings a little to it. "If you love me let me goooo-ooo." He was trying to sound bad. It was kind of funny, but that didn't mean I liked him. Then people stared and laughed at him. I was not one to like people to stare, I like to be in the background so this was a little different for me. Soon, they went back to what they were doing.  
        "Great voice." I say sarcastically. 
        "Thanks." He says genuinely. He just stares at me. Why was he staring at me? It was a weird the way he was staring. I couldn't read his face so I didn't know what he wanted. "You're Dylan O'Brian's little sister, Joana, right?" He asked out of the blue. I guess people know me cause of my brother.
         "Um, yeah. How did you know?" He shrugged.
        He sticks out his hand for me to shake. "The name's Bryan, Neal Bryan." He told me trying to have a James Bond accent. 
        Wait! Now I know who he is. He is that really popular kid that everyone just seems to "love". I also know that he is a player and a huge douche. Crap, now he's talking to me. Why though? 
        "I can see my reputation has gotten around." He says breaking me out of my thoughts. "All good things, I hope."
        "Please leave." I say not making any eye contact with him.
        "Why? You're nice to talk to." He places his hand on my knee. It made me jump a little. I really wasn't expecting that. God, how long does it take for that girl to go to the bathroom? "You're also beautiful." He slid closer to me. "Naturally beautiful." He put his other arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I was practically on him. "Clearly, you're smart. You're a smart ass which I like." He pulls some of my hair out of my face. "Did I mention you are beautiful?"
        "Please leave me alone."
        "Hey!" A male voice said from behind. I didn't need to turn around to know it was Dylan. "She said leave her alone, Neal."  Without an argument, Neal got up and ran his figures through my hair one last time. 
        "Bye, Joana." Was all he said before he left. And that was the start of it.

*End of flashback* 

        I know I might sound spoiled for not wanting to date the "hottest" guy in school if he wants to date me back. I can't even count how many times someone has told me that "Most girls would kill to be in my shoes", but I don't care. If they want to take my place so badly, then they can take it. I'm the kind of person who cannot separate personality from looks. I don't like his personality, so I don' think he is all that attractive. I wish he never noticed me in the first place. 
        Also, everyone is telling me that I should give him a chance because I don't know anything about him, but I really don't want to know anything about him. He is too arrogant, too cocky, too out there for me. Just not my type. I wish he could take a hint and leave me alone. I don't even leave hints anymore, I flat out tell him to leave me alone, and he won't.
        It's hard to talk to people and tell them that this is bothering me when he is everyone's favorite person. My dads don't like him a lot, but they think that he is just another misunderstood kid. I tell them what he says to me at school, but they all think it's just a crush and if I don't like it, at some point it will pass. But I know better; and so does my brother, Dylan.         
        Dylan is super protective of me. He is a great brother because he knows when to be chill and when to be a protective older brother. Anyway, he and I have this thing that we can just see right through people. We get that from our mom, but she is one of the biggest supporters in me going out with Neal. Not Dylan though. He thinks there is something off about Neal. He doesn't like it when he is anywhere near me. He doesn't like it when he comes to our dads bakery just to see me. He doesn't like it when Neal comes to my locker. He doesn't like it when we are walking opposite directions in the hallway. As you can tell, he just really doesn't like him. 
        I don't think I have ever said I hated someone. Guess there's a first for everything. Whenever I think about him, there is this bitterness that grows inside me and I never know what to make of it. You know what; I'm just done talking about it.

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