Chapter 4

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Joana's P.O.V. 

I sat next to the window of my geometry class letting the sun come shining through the window and my thoughts escaping my mind. I never really paid much attention in math. I actually don't pay much attention in a lot of classes. I never brag but I am pretty damn smart. I just hear what it is I have to do and after that, I am golden. People get pretty jealous of that and really hate me for it, resulting in me not having many friends. It's not like I tell people 'I never pay attention in class and the worst I get is a B'. They just take note of the fact I don't pay attention.  I really don't mind, I have my few close friends which works for me. 

As I sit there letting my imagination run wild, I jump at the sudden grab of my shoulders. I turn around to see Clara, my best friend since probably diapers. She was just a nerdy as me, except she does drama, where as I don't and can't act. She is the stereotypical drama kid. She can be over dramatic when needed, and when not needed, she wears the dark-ish clothing, and the one thing I never understood is that no matter how many seats are open in like a basement or something when we hang out, she always goes for the floor. I guess it's just a theater kid thing. 

She had on a grin when she looked at my shocked face. We both started laughing because she knew she had scared me and it was a little funny. "You are such a horrible person. You scared the crap out of me." 

"Yeah, what's new?"

"I hate you." I say with a smile on my face.

She brings her hands under her chin like she is posing for a picture. "I love you too."

We both start laughing until I see someone looking at us from the hallway. Clara wouldn't be able to see because her back is to the door. My stomach drops when I see that it's none other than Neal Bryan looking in on us. Well, mainly me, but still, us. He didn't seem to care that I was shooting daggers at him, he just kept smiling. The way he was smiling was weird. It was like he knew something that I didn't. He did that a lot and it wasn't comforting. Clara seemed to notice my distress, because she turned to look at him as well. He gave her a discussed look and went to his class across the hall.

"What was that all about?" Clara asked as she turned back towards me.

"Neal is just being a huge dick as he always is and he keeps saying all that creepy stuff and he won't leave me alone. It really feels like it's getting out of hand." Clara doesn't know the full details of what is going on with Neal, but I gave her the idea.

"Why don't you just go out with the poor boy already? He is super into you and every girl is literally plotting your death because you are being selfish and won't go out with him." 

I give an 'excuse me?' kind of stare. "How am I being selfish? I don't want him. If I were being selfish, then I would keep him all to myself. But because I want nothing to do with him, I am not selfish." How dare she say I am selfish for not wanting to go out with him. If anything, I am leaving him as open game for those who want him.

"He probably isn't that bad if you get to know him." 

She sounds exactly like him now. "I don't want to get to know him. Why is that such a bad thing?"

She was about to answer when our teacher walked in, disorganized as usual. Thank god. I thought to myself. I am not in the mood to continue talking about this.

Neal's P.O.V.

God, I hate Clara. She is Joana's best friend and she does make her happy and she is one of the people pushing her to go out with me, but I just hate her. She is so irritating and she is always getting in the way of Joana and me. That's the reason I hate her brother too. Joana Christine Todd is meant to be mine. All mine. I am selfish. I want her to be mine alone. Sharing her is not an option.

It's official, I am making her mine Friday. It's Wednesday, so I have two days to make an epic plan. I have to be cool about it. I can't just go up to her house, knock her out and bring her to our home, she would fear me. I could take drastic measures and get rid of everyone, but she would hate me. I would need to somehow trick her into coming with me. She will hate me at first because I did take her away from everything, but she will have the satisfaction of knowing her friends and family are safe. Plus, at some point, she would have to accept me and love me.      


It was after first period and we had five minutes to get to our next class. My next class was chemistry. Joana had art. Those classes were in opposite directions from each other but they weren't far from our math classes, so we wouldn't be late. I stay outside the door of her geometry class waiting for her to come out. She does come out, but sure enough, Clara is with her. Does she always have to be here? 

I stop her the second she steps out the door. "Joana, can we please talk?" I beg her. But instead of staying with me, she keeps walking like I'm not even there. Clara is just laughing to herself, that bitch. "Joana, I know you can hear me, let's talk. I can make it quick."

"I'm gonna be late." She says with no emotion whatsoever, not even turning around. She's hard to get, I like it.

"I promise, if you talk to me right now, I will tell you a way that I will never try to ask you out again." She stops dead in her tracks and turns around swiftly. I knew I that would get her attention. I smile to myself knowing the fact that I know my princess so well.

Clara was still right by her side. Can't she just keep walking? "Clara, can Joana and I please talk alone?" She turns to look at Joana, who just gives her a slight nod and she keeps walking to class. Thank God.  

Joana takes a deep breath before speaking. "What do you want?" 

"Go out with me Friday night. I know this nice little restaurant about forty minutes outside of D.C. It's not very fancy but it is a place you want to dress nicely at. I kn- have a feeling you're going to love. They make the best chicken parm." I know she would love it because I know her, but she can't know that, otherwise she would never say yes. "You wouldn't have to worry about money because I have that all under control, and it's just one night. It's not going to kill you." 

She looks like she is thinking about it. She actually looks like she might say yes. "Why do you want to go out with me so badly? You can ask out any girl in this school but you keep asking the girl who wants nothing to do with you. Why?"

Wow, really didn't see that coming. "Because all those girls are the same and they are boring. You are anything but boring."

"That's a joke, right? I'm probably the most boring person I can think of."

"That is anything but true. You are different from those girls. I don't like it when they are throwing themselves at me. There is no connection. With you, there is a huge chance that we will have a connection."

"I seriously doubt that."

"Please. Go with me, for at least one hour. After one hour, you can decide how the rest of the night goes, I swear." Once again, she looked like she was thinking about it.

"Fine." She said 'fine'. Holy crap that must mean something! "I will go out with you for that one hour if that's what it takes for you to leave me alone. But I swear the second that hour is up and I want to go home you take me home."

"I swear that we will go home when you say so." I say crossing my heart with a smirk.

"Whatever." She mumbles and starts to walk away.

"I'm gonna need your address." I call out for her. I of course know where she lives, but it would be creepy to go to her apartment and her not tell me where she lives.

"I'll tell you Friday." She replies and continues walking to class, not even turning in my direction.

I begin to walk the opposite direction with a grin plastered on my face. She actually said yes. This is an amazing day. Come Friday night and I will never have to share my girl with anyone ever again.

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