Chapter 6

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Neal's P.O.V. 

I drove from Chad's house to home. Not where I currently live, but where Joana and I will live. Somewhere way out of the D.C. range. It's a nice house in the middle of nowhere. It's a good four, five miles of just trees before you get near a town. It's too far on foot and she can't drive yet, so she won't be able to get away, not like there is a reason for her to try anyways. I just want to go there and make final preparations for Friday night. I want it to look so nice for when she comes. She'll love it. I know that she'll hate it to begin with, but it will grow on her and she will come to like it.

I get up to the house and admire its beauty. I don't mean to sound snotty or anything, but my family has money. We have a couple of vacation houses here and there. Last time any of us have been to this one was when I was... maybe 4 years old. They probably thought that I have forgotten about it, but I never did. If anything, I think they forgot about it. I found out the directions to it a few months ago and have been coming here since.

I have been cleaning it and making it livable. In addition to cleaning, I have made some minor adjustments. For example, I have changed all the locks on the doors and added bolts so it would make it harder to escape. I also put some bars on the windows. Of course they come off, but it's just percussion. I can't and won't have her escaping me. She is my girl and she will understand that at some point. I'm eighteen, she is sixteen. I know that there is only a two year difference, but she is still so young and doesn't understand any of this yet. She will though.

I go up to the master bedroom and lay on the bed smiling at the ceiling. I could already picture us lying together on the bed.

I kept thinking about the day I first saw her, met her, and decided to make her mine.


It was just any other day of school. I had gotten my drivers licence that July, so I was parking in the junior's parking lot of our school. It was probably mid-October, so I was still adjusting to everything of the new school year. I look at the time on my radio and see that I have a good twenty minutes before the warning bell and about fifteen minutes before my friends came, so I just decide to wait in my car.

I took note of an nice looking truck pulling in a few spots way from me. I have nothing better to do, so I get curious and wait to see who comes out the car.

To my surprise, that loser, Dylan O'Brian comes out of the the drivers seat, while a few of his friends come out the back seat. I  don't know what it is, but none of us have ever gotten along. My friends and I don't like him, and him and his friends don't like us. They were probably just jealous of how much more popular we are than they are. 

I see the passenger door open. I wait for one of his loser friends to get out, but then I see something more incredible. A girl comes out. She was young looking, maybe a freshman. Her brown hair was full of bouncy curls that reached a perfect length on her. I could see her ocean blue eyes from a mile away. From where I was sitting, it didn't look like she was wearing a lot of make-up. She was wearing denim shorts and a long sleeve shirt. It was cute. 

Her smile was what got my attention though. IT was just a pure, innocent, true smile. I could look at it all day.

Well, instead of sitting in the car wondering 'what could' and get out ready to use my charm. I start walking up to her. She looks at me for a brief second and in that second. I knew I felt something. Call it love at first sight if you will. As sissy as it sounds, that's what happened.

"Joana!" Someone calls. She turns to look at Dylan. "When are mom and Ruben coming? Friday or Saturday?" Mom?! Oh my God, is that...?

"I think Saturday." She responded in an angelic voice. No way in hell. That is Dylan's sister, Joana. I have heard him talk about her a little. His friends always make jokes saying that one day they will ask her out but I had never seen her before. Oh my god, his sister is literally a goddess. 

I had to talk to her myself. I wanted to get to know her. I was going to find out everything I could about her. I didn't care who she was or who her brother was. I wanted her.

*End of flashback*

I open my eyes smiling at ceiling. That was the best day of my life. Soon, it will be the second best day of my life. I can't wait till Friday. My angel and I will be together finally. There'll be nothing keeping us from each other. 

I eventually decided to pry myself off the beautifully made bed and out of the house. I can't stop smiling. Everything is going to be perfect. I get to my car thinking about out lives and the family we will create. What could be better?

I know it will be hard on her at first, but she will like me sooner or later. And soon enough, like will turn into love. She was meant to be mine, and I was meant to be hers.

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